Page 171 - IGC BOOK
P. 171

5.6      Substance Abuse at Work

               Types of Substances

                   Category             Examples                    Examples of General Effects

                 Alcohol        beer, wine, spirits         impaired judgement, slowed reflexes, impaired
                                                            motor function, sleepiness or drowsiness,
                                                            coma, overdose may be fatal

                 Cannabis       marijuana, hashish          distorted sense of time, impaired memory,
                                                            impaired coordination

                 Depressants    sleeping medicines,         inattention, slowed reflexes, depression,
                                sedatives, some             impaired balance, drowsiness, coma, overdose
                                tranquilizers               may be fatal
                 Hallucinogens  LSD (lysergic acid          inattention, sensory illusions, hallucinations,
                                diethylamide), PCP          disorientation, psychosis
                                (phencyclidine), mescaline

                 Inhalants      hydrocarbons, solvents,     intoxication similar to alcohol, dizziness,
                                gasoline                    headache

                 Nicotine       cigarettes, chewing tobacco,  initial stimulant, later depressant effects

                 Opiates        morphine, heroin, codeine,   loss of interest, "nodding", overdose may be
                                some prescription pain      fatal. If used by injection, the sharing of
                                medications                 needles may spread Hepatitis B, or C and
                 Stimulants     cocaine, amphetamines       elevated mood, overactivity, tension/anxiety,
                                                            rapid heartbeat, constriction of blood vessels

               Risks to Health and Safety from Substance Abuse at Work

               Alcohol is a stimulant drug that acts as a central
               nervous system depressant, impairing senses,
               and judgement. It is widely used and abused at
               various occasions.

               Drug is broad term applicable for both
               prescribed as non-prescribed drug (such as
               painkillers) and controlled drugs (illegal drug
               such as marijuana).

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