Page 172 - IGC BOOK
P. 172

The effects of alcohol and drug abuse at work are as follows:

               • Slurred speech
               • Memory loss
               • Mood swings
               • Loss of consciousness
               • Absenteeism
               • Late attendance
               • Loss of production
               • Workplace violence and harassment
               • Poor decision making
               • Theft
               • Dishonesty
               • Having trouble with co-workers

               Drug abuse is costs to the employer, can be measured through absenteeism, injuries, fatalities,
               production loss, insurance claims.

               Drug or alcohol misuse could have a serious outcome, for example:

               • using machinery
               • using electrical equipment or ladders
               • driving or operating heavy lifting equipment

               Control Measures to Reduce Risks from Substance Abuse at Work

               The employer has to collect information about the substance abuse problem from the
               workplace, company accident, ill-health history may show a clear pattern of drug and alcohol
               Employers and employees can collaborate to design policies which outline what is an acceptable
               code of behaviour and what is not. The policy may include:

               • Rules and restriction to have access to alcohol in the workplace or during working hours.
               • Ban workers under the influence of alcohol.

               • Screening and testing for drugs and alcohol, this can be done randomly or upon reporting to
                  the work. For example, aircraft pilots and crew members are checked for alcohol and drug
                  screen when they report to the shift on daily basis.

               • Rehabilitation and treatment arrangements for the workers to tackle the problem of abuse.
               • Taking disciplinary actions against employer who refuse to get screened and tested.

               • Increase awareness by to the workers, supervisors and managers through training also give
                  instruction to them.

               • Drug and alcohol testing, the employer must take consent form the employee for practical
                  and legal reasons. Ensure that the sample collected are kept safely without being
                  contaminated or tampered. The employer also must make sure that the testing procedures
                  and analysis are accurate.

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