Page 374 - IGC BOOK
P. 374

Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance

                 Equipment                            Period     Activity

                 Fire detection and fire warning      Weekly     Check all systems for state of repair and
                 systems including self-contained                operation. Repair or replace defective units.
                 smoke alarms and manually                       Test operation of systems, self-contained
                 operated devices                                alarms and manually operated devices
                                                                 Full check and test of system by
                                                                 competent service engineer. Clean self-
                                                                 contained smoke-alarms and change

                 Emergency lighting equipment         Weekly     Operate torches and replace batteries
                 including self-contained units                  as  required.  Repair  or  replace  any
                 and torches                                     defective unit.
                                                      Monthly    Check  all  systems,  units  and  torches  for
                                                                 state of repair and apparent working order.
                                                      Annually   Full check and test of systems and units
                                                                 by competent person. Replace batteries
                                                                 in torches.

                 Fire-fighting equipment including    Weekly     Check all equipment for correct
                 hose reels                                      installation and apparent working order.

                                                      Annually   Full check and test by a competent person.

               Other Types of Fire Fighting Equipment

               Fire blankets

               These are portable fire-fighting devices designed to smother a fire. There are different types
               of fire blankets suitable for different types of fire – light-weight ones suitable for class A and
               B fires, and heavy-duty blankets for industrial use, including those that can be used for class
               D fires. They are especially useful in a kitchen for extinguishing deep fat frying pan fires and
               other types of small fat and oil fires (class F).

               When using a fire blanket, the corners must be turned towards you so that you do not get
               burnt as the blanket is laid over the fire. It should be kept in place until all the heat has been

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