Page 376 - IGC BOOK
P. 376

Hydrants and Foam Inlets

               These are provided on the outside of buildings to allow the fire brigade easy access to a supply of
               water or foam close to a potential fire hazard, with the type of extinguishing agent being
               appropriate to the type of hazard.

               Access for Fire and Rescue Services

               Fire-fighting vehicles need to be able to get close to the perimeter of a building so they can position
               and deploy high-rise equipment, such as turntable ladders, hydraulic platforms and pump appliances
               with fire hoses. Fire regulations in some countries may place a duty on occupiers of premises to
               maintain such access.

               The requirements for vehicle access differ depending on the presence of fire mains (a water-supply
               pipe installed specifically for fire-fighting purposes), the size of the building and the type of fire-

               fighting vehicle to be used. For example, in the UK, for small buildings without a fire main, access
               for a pump appliance should be provided to 15% of the perimeter or to within 45 metres on every
               point on the building surrounds; for large, high-rise buildings, the entire perimeter will need to be
               accessible to fire-fighting appliances.

               Access for vehicles must be kept clear at all times, and people assembling outside buildings
               during a fire evacuation must be kept clear of fire-fighting vehicles and fire-fighters so as not to
               impede their access.

               Fire-fighters need to have information about the contents of the building, and about any
               hazardous materials or processes and facilities that might create a risk to them while they carry
               out their duties. The emergency plan that the company has in place should include arrangements
               for nominated and competent persons to liaise with the fire service on their arrival.

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