Page 381 - IGC BOOK
P. 381

• The locations of manually operated fire alarm call points and control equipment for the
                 fire alarm.
               • The locations of emergency lighting units and any exit route signs.
               • The location of any automatic or remotely actuated fire-fighting system and associated
                 release equipment.

               • The location of key shutoff devices for isolation of utilities such electrical  supply,  gas
                 supply, oil supply, water supply, etc.

               Where ownership, occupation or operation of workplaces is shared between INDUSTRY
               Group Companies or third parties then the Fire Emergency Plan should be drawn up in
               consultation with the other organization or organizations.

               Provision of Information and Instruction

               INDUSTRY Group Company employees and other persons normally present at the workplace must
               be given information about the fire precautions in the

                workplace and what to do in the event of a fire. Provision of this information must include people
               working at the workplace outside normal hours, such as workers on over-time or cleaners.

               Ensure training and instruction, including the provision of written information, is given in a way that
               people can understand. Training and information provision must take into account levels of
               education and languages commonly spoken by workers at the site.

               On their first day at the workplace, all people must be instructed on:

               • The location and use of escape routes from where they are working.
               • The location, operation and meaning of the fire warning system.

               Fire action notices similar to the example in Figure 5 complement this information and must be
               prominently posted in key locations throughout the workplace.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  36
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