Page 380 - IGC BOOK
P. 380

The Fire Emergency Procedure must be developed, taking into account the results of the

               For small workplaces, the Fire Emergency Plan may comprise simple instructions covering
               the  above  points  in  a  Fire  Action  Notice.  In  large  or  complex  workplaces,  the  Fire
               Emergency Plan should be more detailed. The Fire Emergency Plan must provide clear
               instructions for:
               • The action people should take if they discover a fire.

               • How people will be warned if there is a fire.
               • Evacuation of the workplace.
               • Where people should assemble after they have left the workplace

               • Procedures for checking that the workplace has been evacuated and/or searching for
                 missing persons.

               • Identification of key escape routes, how people gain access to them  and escape to a
                 safe location.
               • The identity and duties of people who have designated responsibilities in the event of a
               • Arrangements  for  the  safe  evacuation  of  people  identified  as  having   special
                 requirements or who may be especially at risk including, people who may be less familiar
                 with  fire  safety  procedures  (e.g.  contractors,  visitors  and  children),  people  with
                 disabilities and arrangements to preserve the modesty of women.
               • Arrangements to stop machines, processes or power supplies that need to be stopped,
                 shut off or isolated in the event of a fire.

               • Specific arrangements for any areas of the workplace with high fire risk.
               • Who is responsible for alerting emergency services (incl. Civil Defence Authorities and
                 police for COMAH sites) and how this is to be done?
               • Procedures for liaison with emergency services on arrival, especially notifying them of
                 any special risks, e.g. location of highly flammable materials.
               • Training  to  be  given  to  INDUSTRY  Group  Company  employees  and  others  who  are
                 normally present at the workplace.
               • Arrangements for ensuring that training is given.

               In larger or more complex workplaces, a plan of the workplace must be included in the
               Fire Emergency Plan. The plan must clearly identify:
               • Essential features such as layout drawings of the workplace, escape routes, doorways,
                 walls, partitions, corridors and stairways.
               • Fire resistant structures and self-closing doors provided to secure the means of escape.
               • Details of the number, type and location of fire-fighting equipment.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  35
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