Page 379 - IGC BOOK
P. 379

Points which must be checked are:

               • How long will it take for people to escape to a safe place once a fire has been detected?
               • Is the escape time reasonable, or is it too long in view of the risk of fire and smoke
               • Are there enough exits and are they in the right place?

               • Are the type and size of exits suitable and of sufficient number for the people likely to
                 need them?

               • Are there any special requirements to preserve the modesty of women, who may be

               • Are there special needs that must be catered for such as wheel chair users, the visually
                 impaired and the hearing impaired?
               • Could a fire affect all exits? At least one route from any part of the building should
                 remain available until everybody has escaped.
               • Are all escape routes easily identifiable, free from obstruction and adequately

               • Are people trained in using the means of escape?
               • Are there instructions posted about the means of escape?
               • Are the arrangements for escape included in the Fire Emergency Plan?

               • Is a smoke control system required (e.g. smoke duct or extractor)?

               If required, refer to the relevant detailed standards and codes for fire safety as provided in
               a variety of documents by HSE executive (U.K) and NFPA (U.S).

               The Fire Emergency Procedures

               The  Fire  Emergency  Procedures  must  detail  the  actions  that  persons  in  the  workplace
               should take in the event of fire. It must be kept at the work place and must be available
               for perusal by all concerned personnel. The Fire Emergency Plan must be made available
               for  inspection   by  independent     auditors  and    assessors,   or   by  INDUSTRY

               The Fire Emergency Plan should form the basis of the training and instruction for INDUSTRY
               Group Company employees and others regarding fire safety in the workplace.
               The purpose of the Fire Emergency Plan is to ensure that:

               • People in the workplace know what to do if there is a fire.
               • That the workplace can be safely evacuated in the event of a fire.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  34
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