Page 375 - IGC BOOK
P. 375

Hose reels

               These are very effective as a first line of attack against class A fires.

               Reels should be located near exits, stairways or lobbies and arranged so that no part of the
               building is beyond the reach of the jet (6 metres). If the hose reel is fitted into a recessed
               installation the doors, whether glazed or not, should bear the words “FIRE HOSE REEL”. The
               hose has a shut-off nozzle and the supply is via a control valve at the connection to the main,
               which  must  be  opened  before  the  reel  is  pulled  out.  Some  reels  operate  this  valve
               automatically as the hose is rolled out.

               Reel installations have several advantages:

               • Only the required length of hose has to be run out.
               • The hose is light and only one person is required to operate it.

               • The lack of back pressure from the nozzle makes it easy for persons of limited strength to
                 handle it.

               • The control of the water at the nozzle of a hose reel will limit water damage.

               Automatic Sprinklers

               There are several different types of sprinkler system but essentially, they all involve fixed pipe
               work in the ceiling of each part of the protected building. The pipe work is connected via
               control valves to a water supply and sprinklers are spaced at intervals along the pipe work so
               that the discharge patterns overlap and leave no part unprotected. They are activated by
               automatic fire detectors.

               The quantity of water discharged is designed to at least control any fire in the protected area,
               if not to extinguish it.


               These are designed to provide coverage of water over areas of a building or structure which
               could be damaged by radiant heat from a fire close by. Normally adequate spacing limits the
               radiation hazard and therefore only vulnerable areas need be covered, such as unprotected
               doors and windows.

                 ENSIGN  |                                                     Unit IG2 – Element 10 –Fire  30
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