Page 61 - IGC BOOK
P. 61

Individual Factors


               An attitude is a person's point of view, his (or her) way of looking at something. It is also a
               person's readiness to react to a situation, and usually a readiness to react in a
               predetermined way. A person's attitude is positive when it reflects optimism and enthusiasm
               and he or she looks for good things in others. Such a person would be ready to change and
               make improvements in the organisation.

               A person with a bad attitude will be negative, ready to complain, and find misfortunes and

               Every individual has a different attitude towards work, and they perceive it in both positive and
               negative way. Individual attitudes towards work developed over a period by observing the work
               methods of other individuals and adapt the same which remains with us.

               Workers attitude is significant in the context of workplace behaviour, as their attitude drives
               them to work safely or not to give priority to safety when carrying out a task.

               A positive attitude of a worker towards using a hard hat when entering the construction site to
               prevent injury from falling objects, then the worker’s attitude to enter the construction site
               without hard hat is unlikely at any point of time. But if a negative attitude worker may think that
               he is entering the construction site for a short period of time; hence, the use of hard hat is
               unnecessary, then the worker’s attitude to enter the construction site without hard hat is very

               Since because the attitudes are developed over a period time it is difficult to change easily.
               However, it can be done using various methods:

               • There is no doubt that management example is strongest of all motivators to bring change in
                  the attitude among the workers.
               • Joint consultation in planning the work
               • Monitoring and Enforcement
               • A high-quality training to the workforce.


               Competence can be described as “the combination of training, skills, experience and
               knowledge that a person has and their ability to perform the task safely”

               As an employer, you must ensure that your employees are competent enough when they are
               carrying out a task for e.g. carrying out a risk assessment.  This will help you decide what level of
               information, instruction, training and supervision you need to provide.

               Competence in Health and safety should be seen as an important component of workplace

                 ENSIGN|                Unit IG1 – Element 3 – Managing Risks – Understanding People and Processes  16
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