Page 58 - IGC BOOK
P. 58

3.3      Human Factors Influence Safety Related Behaviour

               Human factors influence behaviour at work

               The term “Human Factors” covers a wide range of issues
               such as the perceptual, mental and physical capabilities
               of people and the interactions of individuals with their job
               and working environments. It also considers the influence
               of equipment and system design on human performance
               and the organisational characteristics that influence
               safety related behaviour at work.

               The managers and workers decision and actions can
               prevent or cause harm. The individuals are blamed
               directly who are involved in causing harm. This neglects
               the root causes that contributed to the accident and ill
               health. These are usually deep-rooted in organisation’s
               design, management and decision making and are
               extremely influenced by the human factors.                      Human Factors - Source HSE, UK

               HSG48 identifies the three important human factors
               that have a significant effect on the behaviour of individuals at work, these are the

                   •   Organisation factor – culture, leadership, resources, work patterns, communications.

                   •   Job factor – task, workload, environment, display & controls, procedures.

                   •   Individual factor – competence, skills, personality, attitude, risk perception.

               Organisational Factor

               Organisational factor which influences worker’s behavior:

               • Safety culture of the organisation – the way the individual or the group adapt safety culture
                  in an organisation.

               • Policies and procedures – the availability and the quality of the health and safety policy in an
                  organisation might inspire or distress safety related behaviour. For example, clear policy for
                  bullying and harassment is strictly prohibited in the workplace, bullying activity is intolerable
                  and punishable.

               • Leadership and commitment from the top management – the commitment and
                  leadership from the top management may also have positive or negative effect on the health
                  and safety behaviour of others within the organisation. The workers are greatly influenced by
                  the senior management and consider them as their role models.  The senior management
                  should show their commitment and leadership in a positive way and support decisions to
                  manage health and safety.

                 ENSIGN|                Unit IG1 – Element 3 – Managing Risks – Understanding People and Processes  13
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