Page 54 - IGC BOOK
P. 54

workers in decision making process, which develops ownership and employee morale.

               Informing is a one-way process, which creates a negative culture, consultation with worker,
               considering their views is a two-way process which creates a positive culture.

               ILO convention C155, Article 20 and R164, Article 12 insists the safety standards relating to
               consultation with the worker, hence it is the duty of the employer to consult with worker on
               matters related to health and safety, when decision making, developing procedures, conducting
               risk assessments, following any technical changes, changes in the work procedures etc.


               Systematic development of attitude, knowledge and skill patterns required by an individual to
               perform adequately a given task or job.

               Training is perhaps one of the key weapons in health and safety management, as it can be
               used to motivate and change the behaviour of the people involved in workplace activities. Its
               success depends on identifying training needs and providing and evaluating training aimed at
               satisfying those needs.

               Training motivates staff to work safely, since those who understand the risks of their jobs better
               are likely to be more motivated to avoid them.
               Training is an on-going, continuous process, since
               new problems, procedures, materials, and
               knowledge mean jobs are constantly changing and
               therefore producing the need for employee

               Training Opportunities

               The main instances where training is required may
               be classified as follows:

                   -   Training given to all new employees when they take up their posts – induction training.
                   -   Training which becomes necessary because of changes carried out in the business, such
                       − New working methods being introduced.
                       − Technological changes.
                       − The introduction of new equipment.

                   -   Training needed when new legislation comes into force.
                   -   The identification of training needs due to problems such as:
                       − An increase in accidents.
                       − Failure to maintain equipment.
                       − Labour shortages which lead to the upgrading or retraining of existing staff.

               All training should be constantly reviewed in order to ensure that it remains up to date,

                 ENSIGN|                Unit IG1 – Element 3 – Managing Risks – Understanding People and Processes  9
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