Page 51 - IGC BOOK
P. 51


               Communication may be defined as: "imparting, conveying or exchanging information, ideas or
               opinions by the use of speech, writing or graphics".

               Types of Communication

               Verbal Communication

               In fact, it is the easiest, quickest and most efficient method of communicating ideas, orders and
               instructions to others. It is easy to reach someone and talk with them face-to-face.

               Verbal discussion is the method most in use, because it is natural, universal, flexible and
               effective as a means of transmitting information between individuals.
               Conversation should be logical, pointing at all times towards a planned objective, and terminate
               with complete understanding between both parties of the topic under discussion..

               Merits and Demerits of Verbal Communication

                 Merits                                       Demerits
                  •  Comprehensive                             •  No written records
                  •  Immediate                                 •  Time consuming (travelling, arranging meeting)
                  •  Direct                                    •  Language barriers
                  •  Exchange of opinions and views            •  Technical jargon may be mistaken.
                  •  Give instant feedback.                    •  Ambiguity
                  •  Additional information from face expression,  •  Sensory defects – hearing damage of the receiver.
                     body language and voice modulation,       •  Pace of the information provided.
                                                               •  Difficult to remember all the information.

               Written Communication

               A report has been defined as "A written record of activities based on authoritative sources,
               written by a qualified person and directed towards a predetermined group".

               Examples of written communication include memos, email, notice boards, text messaging, news
               letters, standard operating procedures, warning letters etc.
               Merits and Demerits of Written Communication

                 Merits                                       Demerits
                  •  Written and personal record              •  Vital information may be omitted from the
                  •  Can be referred back.                       communication.
                  •  Quick and convenient methods to          •  There was no immediate response from the receiver
                     communicate policy, instructions etc.       of the message.
                  •  Can cover a wide audience cost effectively.  •  No questions asked.
                                                              •  The communication may take certain knowledge on

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