Page 55 - IGC BOOK
P. 55

relevant, and adequate for its purpose.

               Who Needs to be Trained?

               Safety training is of vital importance both to the company and employees, particularly


               A newcomer could be run down by a forklift truck on the first day, or a fire could break out
               soon after his arrival, so safety, accident prevention and fire prevention should begin on the
               first morning with the immediate dangers of the working environment and procedures to be
               followed in case of fire or accident. Later sessions should progress to the joint responsibilities of
               management and employees for safe working practices and give more detailed attention to the
               causes and prevention of, say, fire.

               The newcomers are provided with induction training to get familiarized with workplace
               standards and procedures. The typical topics covered in the induction training are

               Induction Training

                   •   Health and Safety Policy of the organisation.
                   •   Hazard profile of the organisation
                   •   Risk Assessments in the workplace
                   •   Risks to which employees exposed to
                   •   Relevant Risk control measures
                   •   Emergency Procedures
                   •   Specific Site Rules, moving around the workplace.
                   •   Restricted Area
                   •   Welfare Facilities
                   •   First Aid provision
                   •   Accident Reporting procedures
                   •   Safe system of work and permit systems

               Young People

               Special attention should be given to the safety training needs of young people. In the UK this
               is recognised by legislation, which requires that the vulnerability of young persons is taken into
               account in the risk assessment process and that this is reflected in the resulting safe systems of
               work and associated training.

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