Page 49 - IGC BOOK
P. 49

indicate conditions which give rise to high levels of stress or a lack of appreciation and skills in
               respect of safety procedures.

               Influence of Peers on Health and Safety Culture

               The term ‘peer’ refers to the people who work with an
               individual in the workplace, usually designates with the
               equal level of that individual, they may be a member of the
               same group, for example, members of a management team,
               or accident investigation team.

               Peer pressure will often promote good health and safety
               within a work team. If the team members believe that
               working safely is the only way to do the job, each
               member of the team will watch over the activities of the
               other and the group will ensure any new member follows their example to ensure a safe
               output. However, peer pressure may have a negative influence in that managers and
               workers may receive direct or indirect pressure not to put effort into establishing or working
               to good health and safety standards. This may be particularly the case where they have
               motives that they feel would be restricted by taking a positive approach, for example,
               resource may be drawn away from areas that the manager wishes to develop in favour of
               health and safety or the worker may feel that it will limit their ability to achieve productivity

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