Page 79 - IGC BOOK
P. 79

Ventilation systems should be used to extract airborne hazardous substances to prevent
               inhalation, for example an extraction hood placed directly over an employee welding.

               Reduced time exposure is used to limit the amount of time a worker is exposed to the hazard,
               however, the hazard still remains. This control may be used for controlling health hazards such
               as extreme temperatures, vibration, hazardous substances and noise. Hazardous substances
               may have workplace exposure limit; information is available from is available from the HSE –
               EH40. In many workplace job rotation can assist with exposure limits.

               Administrative Controls

               These are all about identifying and implementing the procedures you need to work safely. For
               example: reducing the time workers are exposed to hazards (eg by job rotation); prohibiting use
               of mobile phones in hazardous areas; increasing safety signage, and performing risk

               •  Safe System of Work (SSow)

               A safe system of work (also referred to as standard operating procedure or method statement)
               describes how the job or task should be completed taking into account procedures to follow,
               technical controls to use and the behaviours which must be followed. Safe systems of work are
               usually formal and documented, but in some low risk workplaces they may be informal in that
               only verbal instructions are given and followed.

               •  Permit to Work

               A Permit to Work is a formally documented safe system of work used when high residual risk
               remains after controls have been put in place. The Permit to Work will give very specific
               instructions on how to complete the job safely stating:

                   -   The work to be carried out; and
                   -   The controls to be in place at each stage of the work

               Permit to Work must be used with a high degree of supervision and issued by a responsible
               person, who will sign it in at the beginning to allow the task to take place and sign it off at the
               completion of the task and cancel the permit.

               Common situations when a Permit to Work is issued are when working on High-voltage electrical
               equipment and entry into confined spaces.

               • Information, instruction, training, and supervision

               In most current health and safety legislation training is a requirement. In the MHSWR there are
               additional requirements to make the employee aware of the risks to their health and safety
               identified by the assessment. Training will reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring because
               the employee is aware of the hazards and controls required to prevent the hazard causing harm.

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