Page 2 - GSNEO Tribute Book 2013
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Dear Girl Scouts, family and friends,

Girl Scouts of North East Ohio is proud to honor individuals
who exemplify the Girl Scout Promise and Law and support the
Mission of building girls of courage, confdence, and character,
who make the world a better place.

The Wall of Honor is a special recognition opportunity. The
names on the wall appear in Trefoil Tributes, symbolic gestures,
that celebrate and publicly acknowledge individuals, troops,
groups, and even organizations involved in Girl Scouting now
and throughout history. Collectively, their service, inspiring
leadership, unique talents, and generosity have become
the benchmark for others to follow. Anyone may purchase a
Trefoil Tribute to remember or honor a family member, special
friend or commemorate a Girl Scout milestone, or any special

We are pleased to present this commemorative book, and
we thank those who have shared their personal messages to
create this wonderful, lasting collection of tributes and inspiring
stories. The book is a companion piece to the traveling Wall
of Honor exhibits that will be on display at Girl Scout events
and in the service centers throughout the year. On behalf of
Gunta Douglas, Chair of the Wall of Honor Committee, and
the entire Girl Scout membership, we hope you will consider
paying tribute to someone who has made a positive, lasting
impression on the Girl Scout community.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

M. Jane Christyson Lin Williams
Chief Executive Offcer Director of Fund Development

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