Page 5 - GSNEO Tribute Book 2013
P. 5

Marty Cleaveland

Our mother, Marty, has been honored through the council
in the past. With Marty’s passing in 2012, we wish to add our
tribute to those that came before as we refect upon what Girl
Scouting meant to her and how it affected us growing up and
as adults. Her Girl Scout volunteering career is known to many,
as well as her love of crafts, camping, canoeing, and nature.
Her love of nature infuenced all other areas of her life. She
loved to BE outdoors as evidenced by her many hours at camp
during the summer. Many of her crafts had natural themes, like
her painted rocks or her beautiful Ukrainian Eggs.

Camping with mom was always memorable. There was a time
when we were setting up camp in the usual fashion, pitching
tents, getting the kitchen gear set up etc. In that time, mom
had lashed a table made of sticks between 2 trees, “because
we needed a table there.” She often baked brownies at camp
using a cardboard box oven. We do believe she preferred
cooking outdoors to cooking in her own kitchen! She recycled
materials for her crafts long before it was fashionable.

Scouting was a way of life in the Cleaveland household. Marty’s
dad was a Boy Scout leader. Her husband, Don was a life-long
Boy Scout and eventually took over her dad’s troop until Don
passed in 1981. Mom was a GS leader to all three of her girls;
beginning with Laurie’s troop in 1964. From that time on she
began making memories for herself and all the girls and adults
she worked with over the years. Marty lived the Girl Scout
Promise and Law every day. She found relevance in those
words and knew that in a world of diversity she would always
be accepted by her sister Girl Scouts. She was always willing to
help where needed and loved sharing her skills with girls and
leaders alike.

Marty wore her Girl Scout pins all the time. She was proud of
her membership in scouting and loved to let others know.
She received her 50 year pin just weeks before she passed.
Her long time Girl Scout friends honored her by singing songs
and sharing some of the many memories they had made with
her throughout the years. It was quite humbling to hear these
stories about our mother.

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