P. 26
Information Technology (IT)
policy is subject to management review and action, up to and including termination of employment,
vendor contract and/or legal action.
Maintenance and Back-Ups
All work-related data (i.e., documents and spreadsheets) will be backed up daily and is generally saved
on an US compliance cloud backup server. All files should be saved on the Vysnova Shared Drive (i.e.
currently ShareSync) unless a local file server is required by the client. In that case, the IT Department
will assist the PM in establishing a data back-up plan and procuring the necessary equipment in case of
any restore operations.
Regular IT maintenance is also required of every field office/project. Most maintenance is done in the
background; however, IT Dept. will coordinate a time with project staff to conduct maintenance and
security procedure if a reboot is required. If the Field office would like to request a comprehensive sweep
and scan of the machines on your network as part of any special request This will be performed by the
IT Dept in coordination with the local resource.
The following are some of the tasks performed regularly on the Vysnova Field office computers and
1. Identify by computer name and usual user(s), all Computers on your LAN. Document this with an
Excel spreadsheet, and if possible, a physical network diagram based on your floor plan(s)
2. Carry out all Microsoft Operating System Updates
3. Carry out all Microsoft Office Updates
4. Carry out all Anti-Virus definition updates and run a full system scan
5. Do a full hard drive defragmentation of the computers
6. Ensure cybersecurity standards are met
7. Support current installed software
8. Installation of new software
The PM should conduct an inventory of all software licenses quarterly to ensure that all licenses active
licenses are being used by current staff. This includes all Outlook email licenses as well as software
licenses such as ShareSync, Adobe Acrobat Pro, Smartsheet, and any other project-specific software. By
the last day of each quarter (i.e. March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31), the PM or their
designee should send a list of their deactivation requests or a notification that all active licenses are in
use to the IT Help Desk.
Upon procurement of non-expendable IT equipment (i.e. items that have an expected life of more than
two years), the PM will obtain the following information to be recorded in an Inventory Table of
Equipment (Template available in the Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see Annex E): date
of purchase, vendor, type of good, serial number, purchased value, physical location, equipment’s
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