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               modifications; contract research  and contract questions.  ALL contractual requests must  be
               accompanied by a CRF. If there is no CRF with your request, your request will be denied. Additionally,
               if the CRF is incomplete your request will be denied. No requests shall be issued through any medium
               except by CRF. The Contracts Administrator (CA) will maintain an internal CRF repository of all CRFs

               Contract Request Form (CRF) Process

                                    Notify the CA by    Await CA response     Confirm         Confirm receipt
                                                                              receipt of
                 Complete a CRF     email and attach    of acceptance or     requested          of fulfilled
                                     completed CRF         rejection        action from CA      Request

               CRF Standard Operating Procedures

               Change Requests to Prime Contracts
                •  The CRF shall include: the issue, the proposed solution (if you have one), respective CO,
                    Respective COR, or respective SCM, an excel spreadsheet to support any financial change
                    requests. (action for PM)
                •  The PM shall coordinate with the EA to schedule a conference to devise a mitigation/action
                    plan. The meeting shall include PM, PA, F&A, Vysnova COO, and the COO’s Executive Assistant
                    (EA). (action for PM)
                •  Vysnova COO will designate who will issue the change request to the CO.
                •  If a change request is required for a subcontract, the CA will issue the change request to the

               Contract Questions and Research Requests
                •  The CRF shall include: the question and target deadline for answer. (action for PM)
                •  The email shall include: Contract Question or Research Inquiry Request- Billing Code-Project-
                    Priority (action for PM)

               CRF Template and Training
                •  CRF Template located in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs ShareSync folder, see Annex E.
                •  CRF Training Module (See Annex F: Vysnova Training Program)
                     o  CRF training must be completed within 2 weeks of the PM start date. (action for PM)

               SOPs for Reviewing Contracts, Subcontracts, and Modifications

               When  the  PM  receives a contract, subcontract, task  order (delivery order), purchase  order, or
               modification from  the CO  or SCM, notify and forward the document to  Vysnova CA  via
      for a contractual review by COB of the day received. Tag the email message
               as high priority. (action for PM)

               The CA and the PM will simultaneously perform reviews of the document.

                          a.  The CA will perform a contractual review.

                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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