P. 34


               •  A draft of the press release shall be prepared by the PM on the following day after the contract
                   kick-off, which is simply a synopsis of the recent award (scope, client, purpose, amount, length of
                   contract, etc.).
               •  The draft press release (award announcement) shall be forwarded to the CA and COO for Q&A
                   after draft is complete (no later than (NLT) close of business (COB)).
               •  The PM shall forward the press release to the CO for review and approval to issue. Vysnova COO
                   shall designate which Vysnova personnel will relay the draft press release to the CO for approval.
               •  The PM shall ensure that the Contracting Officer has received an advance copy of any press release
                   related to the contract for review and comments at least five (5) working days prior to proposed
               •  After receipt of the CO’s comments, the PM shall provide a copy to the Contracting Officer prior
                   to issuance of the press release.
               •  The PM will share the Government approved press release with the COO who will authorize the
                   Vysnova PM to publish.

               Contracts Repository
               The Contracts Repository is a central location in Share Sync where all Vysnova contracts, subcontracts,
               and supporting documents are stored and managed. All Vysnova personnel are authorized to retrieve
               contracts and supporting documentation for their respective project(s). The Contracts Repository
               holds ALL fully executed contractual documents for Vysnova and organized by Project.

               •  Weekly Contracts Repository Updates are completed by the CA.
               •  The CA and EA are the only Vysnova staff authorized to populate documents into the Contracts
               •  The PM and CA shall meet once a quarter to ensure quality assurance on each PMs designated
                   Project of the repository.
               •  The CA will provide a 30-minute training session with each PM one week following receipt of the
                   manual. Contract Repository Training slides will be stored on Share Sync and shared with all

               SOP for Contract Closeout
               Contract Closeout begins when the contract has been physically completed, i.e., all services have been
               performed and products delivered. Closeout is completed when all administrative actions have been
               completed, all disputes settled, and final payment have been made. Therefore, the PM shall complete
               the following:

               •  PM shall closely monitor the POP and when it ends.
               •  Include the CA in the Project Closeout Kickoff 90 days prior to the end of the POP. The CA will
                   develop the Contract Closeout Action Plan portion of the PM’s Project Closeout Plan.

                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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