P. 37

Subcontractor Management

                   CRF on Subcontract Requests, Subcontract Changes, Questions, or Research
                   Note: the SOP for CRFs in the Contracts Manual applies to all subcontract requests. However, the
                   process is reiterated for the convenience of the PM.
                       1.  If the PM has a contract question, please submit a CRF and email it to the CA. The CRF
                          shall include the following:
                              •  Subject line shall read: Contract Question Request- Billing Code-Project-Priority
                              •  The CRF shall include: the question and target deadline for answer.
                              •  The CRF shall also include: Project Code; Project Name; Award No.; date
                                 submitted, Priority  Level; Explanation if high priority; Change category  (if
                                 applicable); request type (mod, subcontract, consulting agreement)

                       2.  If the PM has a contract research request, please submit a CRF by email to the CA. The
                          email shall include the following:
                              •  Subject line shall read: Contract Research Request- Billing Code-Project-Priority
                              •  The CRF shall include: the research question(s), information needed and target
                                 deadline for answer.
                              •  The CRF shall also include: Project  Code; Project  Name; Award No.; date
                                 submitted, Priority  Level; Explanation if high priority; Change category  (if
                                 applicable); request type (mod, subcontract, consulting agreement)

                       3.  If the PM has a subcontract or consulting agreement request or change request, please
                          submit a CRF and email it to the CA. The email shall include the following:
                              •  Subject line shall read: Contract Question Request- Billing Code-Project-Priority
                              •  The CRF shall include the following:
                                         Project Code;   Project  Name; Award No.; date submitted, target
                                         completion date,  Change/Mod No. (if applicable); Priority  Level;
                                         Explanation if high priority; Change category (if applicable); request type
                                         (mod, subcontract, consulting agreement);
                                        Supporting attachments should include:
                                            -   Base Contract; modifications (if applicable); supporting financials
                                                (excel spreadsheets)

                       4.  Any CRFs for Consulting Agreements shall include the following additional information:
                              •  Consultant Position
                              •  Period of Performance
                              •  Place of Performance
                              •  Supervisor’s Name
                              •  Contract Type (i.e. Labor Hour)
                              •  Rate
                              •  Maximum Level of Effort (LOE)
                              •  Project Code

                       5.  Any CRFs for subcontract shall include the following additional information:

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