P. 33


               The contract kick-off is a meeting proctored by the CA for Vysnova’s internal personnel. The contract
               kick-off is a complete overview, providing details and logistics of the contract  from contractual,
               accounting, HR, and programmatic perspective(s). The contract kick-off is usually held 3-5 business
               days after receipt of the definitized contract or subcontract. Major Projects will consist of three kick-
               off meetings: an internal, an external, and a subcontractor kick-off.

               Internal Contract Kick Off Meeting
               •  CA will schedule and facilitate the in-person internal kick-off, inviting the following attendees:
                                 o  Project staff
                                 o  Head of Accounting
                                 o  Head of IT
                                 o  Head of Operations
                                 o  Head of Security (if applicable)
                                 o  Head of HR
               •  2-3 days prior to the internal contract kick-off, the CA will forward the contract kick-off slide deck
                   and the contract data sheet to the PM.
               •  The PM shall provide project input for inclusion in the contract kick-off slide deck. (action for PM)
                   o  Input shall include proposed budget(s) for Project, proposed subcontractors and their roles,
                       Org Chart at the IDIQ level, Org Chart at the Task Order level, IDIQ Action items, Task Order
                       Action Items.
               •  The PM shall return the slides and contract data sheet to the CA NLT 1 business day prior to the
                   contract kick-off meeting. (action for PM)

               External Kick Off (Post-Award Kick-Off)
               •  External kick-off is in-person and facilitated by the CO of the Government Project
               •  The PM, CO, COR, COO, CA must attend the meeting
               •  The PM has an opportunity to get clarification on the roles, rules, and boundaries of the contract.

               Subcontractors Kick-off
               •  The CA will facilitate the subcontractor kick-off with programmatic input from the PM.
               •  1-2 days prior to the subcontractor kick-off, the CA will forward the contract kick-off slide deck to
                   the PM.
               •  The PM shall provide project input for inclusion in the subcontractor kick-off slide deck. Input shall
                   include but is not limited to the following (action for PM):
                   o  Scope Limits: describe the anticipated work of subcontractor(s)
                   o  Anything done outside the scope of the subcontract will not be reimbursed
                   o  Lines of Communication: Required communication intervals (need-to-know, weekly, monthly)
                   o  Identify points of contact for each subcontractor
                   o  Reporting requirements: Status report schedules, monthly status reports, meeting schedules
               •  The PM shall return the slides to the CA NLT 1 business day prior to the contract kick-off meeting.
                   (action for PM)

               Administration of Press Releases and Award Announcements
               Upon receipt  of award, shortly after the  contract  kick-off has  occurred, the Vysnova COO shall
               announce  winning the contract  (award).  Press releases  shall be considered to include the public
               release of information to any medium, excluding peer-reviewed scientific publications.

                                   Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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