Page 12 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 12

            Performance Tab

            View coverage, sales, and Program of Excellence data for your book.

            YEARBOOK SALES                 YEARBOOK AD SALES                 OVERALL SALES
            View revenue from orders       View revenue from ad orders and   View overall sales by percentage, along
            and payments.                  ad payments.                      with how many copies have been sold vs.
                                                                             how many students are enrolled.

            SALES GOAL
            View progress on your
            yearbook sales goal by
            percentage, along with
            how many copies have
            been sold vs. your goal.

            3X COVERAGE
            View progress on your
            3x coverage goal by
            percentage, along with
            how many students have
            been covered vs. how
            many are enrolled.

                                     EXCELLENCE PROGRAM                                  LEARN MORE
                                     •  View your progress on the three components of the   Learn more about the
                                       Yearbook Program of Excellence: A Meaningful Book   Program of Excellence.
                                       (3X Coverage), A Book In Every Kid’s Hands (Sales), and
                                       a Hassle-Free Experience (Page and Cover Deadlines).
                                     •  Enter information on your Distribution Event
                                     •  Detail how you have communicated to parents three
                                       times as part of the program.

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