Page 14 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 14

            Images Tab

            View all image information, such as tagged images and images in the book.

            TAG THESE PHOTOS                    TAGGED IMAGES                       IMAGES
            View untagged images that           View what percentage of images      •  View images by inbox, where
            are used in your book. Tagging      in the book are tagged.               they were uploaded from, and
            photos is important to reflect                                            more.
            accurate coverage in your index.                                        •  View total images available in
                                                                                      the Image Library.

                    •  View ReplayIt user information, how many photos you have
                     received through ReplayIt, and how many ReplayIt photos have
                     been used in the book.
                    •  Filter photos by upload timeframe and user register timeframe.

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