Page 9 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 9

Your Home Page

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            Your Home Page is customized with modules containing information pertinent to your school and your book. Use this
            page to help you track your progress throughout the year.

                                                    HEADER BAR MENUS                           DIGITAL CLASSROOM
                                                   •  Plan      •  Digital   •  Showcase       Find educational and
                                                   •  Create      classroom  •  Help           inspirational resources to
      •  Home                NOTIFICATIONS         •  Sell      •  Status                      plan, sell and create.
      •  Deadlines           Announcements, helpful links,
      •  Performance         and updates on your yearbook.                                         SHOWCASE
      •  Page Status                                                                               View a virtual preview of
      •  Images                                                                                    your book.
      •  Design Gallery
      •  Sales Dashboard                                                                           TASKS
                                                                                                   Add, assign and
      DESIGN GALLERY                                                                               view tasks.
      View and add
      templates to your                                                                            TAG THESE
      yearbook.                                                                                    PHOTOS
                                                                                                   See images that still
                                                                                                   need to be tagged.

      •  Deadlines
      •  Student Coverage                                                                           INSPIRATION
      •  Sales Goal                                                                                 GALLERY
      •  ReplayIt Users                                                                             Get inspired by this
                                                                                                    library of exceptional
                                                                                                    photos! This image
                                                                                                    rotates weekly or
                                                                                                    you can click into the
      NEWS                                                                                          Gallery’s library.
      Stay up-to-date on the
      latest yearbook news
      and YBA features.

          BE A BETTER YEARBOOKER                                          CALENDAR
          Add to your yearbook experience with tips, tricks & feature stories.  Customize and keep track of
                                                                          upcoming events.

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