Page 26 - Jostens Yearbook_Adviser Guide
P. 26
Introduce yourself and your dance move. Repeat with Students circulate and make motions responding to Split the group into pairs. Each pair is directed to Pair off into partners. Play rock-paper-scissors.
the next student, everyone dances and builds on the what is called out by the teacher. develop and practice a creative handshake. Once Winner moves on to another round, while the other
previous introductions/dance moves. each pair has a handshake, the pair splits and each player becomes her/his “biggest fan” cheering on.
If a student cannot act out the motion, (s)he is individual partners with another group member. The Through multiple rounds, larger cheering sections
PACKING FOR A TRIP eliminated and sent to stand by the teacher, where newly formed pair then teaches each other the accumulate, until a final championship match.
they chant, “Oh-wee-oh! A Hornet’s life for me!”
(NAME GAME) original handshakes and together creates a new
Teacher can call… handshake. When each pair comes together, ask BALLOON TOWER
“We’re all going on a trip!” them to introduce themselves. Repeat a third time
“Aye, captain!” As individuals, students salute In teams of four or five, students must construct a
In a circle, the first participant offers, “My name the front. asking partners to share all of the handshakes tower using only balloons and masking tape. The tower
is Tiffany, and I’m packing my toothbrush.” previously learned and then recall the group into must adhere to specified guidelines. Some suggested
“Scrub the deck!” As pairs, students mime scrubbing a circle. Ask for volunteers to share all of the
(Replace name and item with the player’s name the floor. handshakes learned. guidelines include: tallest, most stable, use of
and an alliterative item to pack on a trip.) resources (uses all balloons, balloons most completely
“Raise the flag!” As triples, students mime raising a filled). They have 5-10 minutes to complete.
The next player recaps earlier players’ names and flag (middle person moving vertically). RED BALL. RED BALL, CHECK!
items, and adds on her/his own. “That’s Tiffany... Throw an imaginary “red ball” to someone using the This activity allows leaders to emerge, it showcases
that’s Helga bringing her handbag, and I’m Joel; “Row the boat!” As quadruples, students form a line recipient’s name. Recipient says, “red ball check.” problem solving, commitment to a task and following
I’m packing jeans.” of rowers. That student throws to another student. Continue basic directions.
“Shipwreck!” As quintuples, students form a circle and by creating more imaginary objects. A few additional activities that can be fun to
HUMAN KNOT/PRETZEL mime a spinning life raft. complete with your staff include: 7-Minute Starter:
24 Things (as a partner interview), Start Right 1.3:
Everyone stands shoulder-to-shoulder in a circle. COVER THE SPACE
Have all students put their hands in the center and CMYK Personality Quiz and Staff Member Bingo.
grab any two hands that a) don’t belong to somebody Start in a standing circle, then participants walk
right next to them, and b) belong to two different around the room aiming to cover the designated
people. (If you want to test this, pass a hand squeeze space. Instruct participants to change how they move
around the knot; everyone should get the squeeze or what other actions to take while moving. Examples:
exactly once.) Without letting go of each others’ give them a specific speed or direction. Have them
hands, the group must untangle the knot. greet people they pass (make eye contact, high five,
say “hello,” etc.). They might pretend you’re in a
NOTE: If your group is large, divide into two or three
circles and play simultaneously. goofy situation (tacks on the floor, hail from the sky,
like you’re a zombie, superhero, or teacher, ice on the
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE floor, floor is made of mud, being attacked by bees,
etc.). They should stop walking and have students
Each person should think of three statements about partner up to closest person (a triad, if someone
themselves that no one else in the room already is left out) and have 10- to 15-second interviews;
knows. (It may help to jot down notes.) Two must exchange names each time and share info. such as
be true statements and one should be a lie. The favorite hobbies, food, snack, drink, sport, music
more subtle or believable the lie, the better (or, the style, etc., then start Covering the Space again!
more bizarre and unlikely the truths). Take turns
in the group having each person share their three WHOOSH, BANG, POW!
statements and voting on which one was the lie.
Gather everyone in a circle. Whoosh in only one
When a participant has revealed which was which, direction and to the person next to you. Bang reverses
you can follow up with some brief Q&A, interesting the whoosh. Pow across the circle, not someone next
stories, etc. to you. You cannot “bang” a “pow.” Pick up speed!
Balloon Tower Activity