Page 21 - Jostens Yearbook_Adviser Guide
P. 21

                    RESUMÉ ASSIGNMENT
                                                                  Photographers attend school events and/or classes
                                  RESUMÉ ASSIGNMENT
 1.3  ROLES AND                                                   to interview and take photographs. They must be
                                                                  available after school to attend a variety of functions.
                                                                  Photographers are responsible for reviewing and rating
 RESPONSIBILITIES       1  TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF  4  MAKE IT PRETTY!  their work and writing captions, and should be outgoing
                                                ■ Well, not necessarily pretty, but dress it up.
                             ■ What are your interests?
                                                                  and friendly.
                             ■ Include relevant background information.
                                                ■ Use design, photography, writing, sales strategy.
                             ■ What are your favorite colors?
                                               talents and your strengths.
                             ■ What do you want to be when you grow up?    ■ Use whatever your skills allow to show off your
                             ■ Tell me anything you think I’d be interested in!    ■ Remember, I need to be able to read it, so
                                               use headings to help guide me through the
                                               information.       SALES/MARKETING
                        2  TELL ME, WHAT JOB DO YOU
                          THINK IS RIGHT FOR YOU?  !  NOTE
 Yearbook staff are the school’s historians. They are     ■ PHOTOGRAPHY: typically an outgoing personality,   EVERY POSITION ON OUR STAFF IS IMPORTANT.    Marketing keeps the program in business. Marketing
                           attend school events and/or classes, take notes and
                                             And while certain staff and leadership positions are
                                             limited, it is my goal to put you in a position that you
                           photos. Must be available after school.
                                             are interested in having.
                             ■ LITERARY: compose stories, proofread and   activity generates publicity and sales—which includes
 responsible for accurately covering the school year while also   organizing content. Creative.  everything from marketing, to processing orders, to
                           brainstorm coverage. Good at looking for angles and
                             ■ DESIGN: work with yearbook design software to
                           create original, eye-catching layouts that generate
 creating a quality publication that will be enjoyable and relevant   visual interest. Has good planning and organization.  It’s time to apply for your    soliciting patrons/advertisers. It is the public face of
                                             yearbook job!
                        3  TELL ME WHY I SHOULD                   the business via social media, the web and on-campus
 to the school community for years to come. Ideally, it is a   CHOOSE YOU
                             ■ What are your qualifications?
                             ■ How does your schedule fit this role perfectly?  promotions.
 completely student-produced publication.     ■ What (if any) leadership roles might you want?
                             ■ What specific skills do you have?
                             ■ What is your experience level?
                             ■ Include anything else that might be persuasive.  BUILDING YOUR TEAM
 There are a number of options for structuring a                  All programs work best when students are given
 yearbook production staff. One way is to assign                  choices. Whether working with a novice team, or one
 students to have specific roles and functions. Another   © 2018 by Jostens, Inc. All Rights Reserved.   whose involvement is intermittent, student buy-in
 is to assign them to page teams and allow them                   remains key. And while some staff members may
 to determine how to divide up the tasks needed to                function in one role all year, many staff members will
 complete their assignment.  SAMPLE RESUMÉ
                                                                  take on a variety of roles and responsibilities to ensure
 Regardless of the structure, yearbook production                 that work gets done and deadlines are met.
   tasks generally fall into four basic areas:
                                                                  For the first few weeks, students should learn the
                                                                  requirements of publication: design, photography,
 WRITING                                                          writing, management. Teams will be assigned by the
 Writing drives the direction of the publication.                 adviser and will be based on ability, student interest
 Writers determine the subject matter, coming up with             and commitment.
 compelling angles for the stories they compose.
   As proofreaders and editors, students have the final           RESUMÉ ASSIGNMENT
 eyes on every page in the book.
                                                                  Several weeks into school, students should apply for
                                                                  the job they are interested in by submitting a resumé to
 DESIGN                                                           the adviser. In making a case for themselves, students
 Design makes the book beautiful. Designers work                  practice a number of important advertising and design
 closely with publication softwares like Adobe  InDesign          skills. It allows the adviser to staff her program based
 and Adobe  Photoshop  to create original, eye-catching           on student interest and skill. It also requires resumé
 layouts. They look at typography, color and graphics to          writing, a practical, real-world skill that is applicable to
 implement the overall theme of the yearbook.                     students even after they leave the yearbook classroom.

 20  SECTION 1.3   ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                                  BUILDING A TEAM     21
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