Page 98 - Jostens Yearbook_Adviser Guide
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                                                             IN THE MIDDLE                                                                      STYLE GUIDE                                 DESIGN CHECKLIST
        The Yearbook Avenue Digital Classroom
        has hundreds of resources ready for you              When it comes to design, middle school students have                               Once design and style elements have been selected,   A design checklist is ideal for advisers who find
                                                                                                                                                                                            themselves correcting the same errors over and over
                                                                                                                                                a visual style guide may be created to outline the
        to use. We recommend the following                   loads of ideas. And with the technology and resources like                         specific standards for use throughout the publication.   on student work.
        lesson plans as being especially helpful             backgrounds and clipart available in Page Designer, they
                                                             have tools to put these ideas into action.
        for teaching design. Scroll to the bottom                                                                                               Advisers lacking the time or editors to create a   Intended to communicate clear expectations and
        of the homepage to find them, or search              However, what they often lack is a solid plan. Just because                        detailed style guide may choose to simply create   establish consistency, the checklist may include
        for 7-Minute Starters.                               these resources are available doesn’t necessarily mean                             a sample spread to use as a design template that   specific details about size, color, weight, alignment,
                                                             they are the best choices. Take a minimalist approach to                           features elements (headline font, size, drop cap   grammatical style, among others. Students go
                                                             design resources. Simple isn’t bad. It is less distracting                         usage, folio, pulled quote treatment, etc.).   through the checklist and verify that their pages meet
                  7  DESIGN 4 .2                             and often the mark of a more sophisticated design eye. Let                                                                     the agreed upon specifications.
                   MINUTE     Reader Entry Points
                     OBJECTIVES                              your photos be the center of interest!
                     STEP 1   | LEARN
                     Students will view the Reader Entry Points presentation to understand the importance of entry points when
                     designing spreads and will recognize the visual content elements that pull the viewer into the design.
                     STEP 2   | PRACTICE                     Remember that your publication’s design goal is to be                                                                               COMMON ERRORS
                     Students will identify the reader entry points on a sample yearbook design by completing the Reader Entry
                     Points activity.                                                                                                                               DESIGN CHECK                      There are no hyphenated words on the page
                     STEP 3   | USE                          attractive, original and effective. So have your staff aim                                                                             Using Black Arrow, select ALL TEXT BOXES on page. In the PARAGRAPH window
                     Students will demonstrate an understanding of reader entry points when designing spreads for the
                     yearbook by editing or building spreads to include at least four different entry points.                                                                                    UNCHECK HYPHENATE
                     21ST CENTURY SKILLS
                     In this activity, students must think critically about what elements will entice a viewer to spend time reading   to utilize the best resources in the best way.      Advisor: fill in the specifics for your yearbook so students can check their work before handing it in.      I have no misspellings on my page
                     and exploring a layout and how to organize those elements in a visually pleasing way.
                     COMMON CORE   ISTE STANDARDS                                                                                                                                                 From the EDIT menu, turn on DYNAMIC SPELLING. Press CTRL +A (to select all boxes); then
                     STATE STANDARDS  ISTE  1A:  Apply existing knowledge to generate                                                                    Page Name____________________________________   Page Number __________________      CTRL + Y to open text editor windows. Misspelled words will be underlined in RED. Make
                     ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.1, CCRA.L.1   new ideas.
                     Demonstrate command of grammar and   1B:  Create original works.                                                                                                             changes as necessary
                     usage when speaking or writing.  2A:  Publish, employing a variety of digital                                                       HEADLINES                SUBHEADLINES
                     ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.2, CCRA.L.2   environments and media.
                     Demonstrate command of capitalization,   2B:  Communicate ideas effectively using a    USING TECHNOLOGY TO                                                                  I have checked all name spellings on my page.
                     punctuation and spelling.  variety of media.                                                                                             Font:       Font:
                     ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.2, CCRA.W.2   2D:  Contribute to project teams to produce                                                                                                While the TEXT EDITOR windows are open for spell check (above), check each student or
                     Write informative texts to examine ideas,   original works.
                     concepts and information.  3B:  Ethically use information from a variety of                                                              Size:       Size:                   faculty member name and grade level against master list. Make corrections as needed.
                     ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.5, CCRA.W.5   sources and media.
                     Plan, revise, edit, rewrite or try a new   ASSIST CONSISTENCY
                     approach.                                                                                                                              Color:        Color:
                     ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.6, CCRA.W.6                                                                                                                                                All Paragraph text (body copy and captions) have same size and leading
                     Use technology to produce and publish
                     shared writing products.                                                                                                          SUBHEADLINES   GRAPHICS                   Select any block of text, in the two boxes just to the right of the font type, select the size and
                                                                                                                                                           Font:      (Add additional formatting specs for graphics,         leading (space between lines). THEY SHOULD BE THE SAME!
                                                             PAGE TEMPLATES                                                                                         Size:   modules, folios, pull quotes, etc)            Photos have been lightened, levels adjusted and cropped to fit with page.
                                                                                                                                                                          ________________________________     Use EDIT ORIGINAL button on LINKS panel, or right click to edit picture.
                                                                                                                                                              Color:      ________________________________
                  Do you have an idea for a 7-Minute Starter? Email us at                                                                  ________________________________     Each standard caption has a quote. Modular captions identify the subject of the photo and follow
                                                             In the same way that PowerPoint or Google Slides have
                 Inspired by Gary Lundgren, Customer Experience Manager at Jostens.  14-0612                                                             FEATURE STORY      ________________________________     similar structure. All caption information is easy to access.
                                                                                                                                                                Font:   ________________________________

                                                             different slide formats for different material, yearbook                                             Size:      ________________________________  PREFLIGHT ERRORS

                  7  ST AR T RIGHT 5.2 — DESIGN              design may utilize a variety of page templates to create                                          CAPTIONS      ________________________________             I have a GREEN Light (sign below)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 I have a RED light - 1 or more errors; need to fix FONT, LINKS, or TEXT
                   MINUTE     Yearbook Design                                                                                                                   Font:   DESIGN CHECKLIST
                  STARTER                                    a consistent look and feel. Using page templates, either                                                   Content within mods is aligned    FIX RED LIGHT ERRORS
                 OBJECTIVES    21ST CENTURY SKILLS                                                                                                              Size:                                 TEXT: Double click TEXT, then OVERSET TEXT then TEXT FRAME to navigate to Text Frame
                 STEP 1   | LEARN   (25 MINUTES)  Creativity is best demonstrated when a person can solve                                                                 Obvious eyeline        with the error. Hit CTRL + Y to bring up TEXT EDITOR window. Find and fix/delete overset text.
                 Students will learn how to design a basic yearbook layout as   a problem within a set of confines. In this lesson, students   those from the Jostens Page Surfer library or staff-     PHOTOS
                               are given a set of design rules and an open-ended
                 they view Start Right Presentation 5.2 - Yearbook Design.  assignment of designing a layout that demonstrates                                                                    FONT: Usually InDesign will give you an error message about missing fonts when you open a
                 As students watch the presentation, they will sketch and take   those rules.                                                               Credited to photographer:      All photos have captions      page.  If you have ignored it, you will find the error in preflight. Double click TEXT, then MISSING
                 notes using Start Right Handout 5.2 - Layout Sketch Sheet or
                 the yearbook sketch pad available from Marketing Services.  COMMON CORE                                                                                                          FONT to navigate to text frame with missing font. Determine if text frame needs to be deleted or
                 Note: Supplies are needed for this assignment. Students need:   STATE STANDARDS  created templates, will assist in publication consistency.   Photo credit font:      Names have been spell checked   changed. Delete frame, or follow instructions to choose a replacement font. NOTE: You must
                     » a pencil with an eraser
                     » two printed copies of the handout  ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.1, CCRA.L.1                                                                                                         select CHANGE ALL before closing window, or the change will not be made.
                     » a straightedge like a ruler or a piece of paper folded a   Demonstrate command of grammar and usage when                                           Using dynamic spelling, page has
                   couple of times lengthwise  speaking or writing.                                                                                         Photo credit font size:               LINKS: Double click LINKS to navigate to missing link. Use RELINK tool to navigate to missing
                               ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.2, CCRA.L.2    Page designers can use templates as a starting point,                                                 been spellchecked
                 STEP 2   | PRACTICE (20+ MINUTES)  Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation                                                                                           link.  NOTE: Be sure all image files are in page folder.
                               and spelling.
                 After viewing the presentation, students will review the design   ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.2c (11-12.2b)
                 terms they learned today and the design principles they learned   Spell correctly.
                 in Start Right Lesson 5.1.  ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.4, CCRA.L.4                                                                                                                        Errors have been fixed I now have a GREEN Light (sign below)
                 Students will begin creating their own layout design on Start   Determine or clarify meaning of unknown words.  adjusting to meet content needs and modifying for variety
                 Right Handout 5.2 - Layout Sketch Sheet, using the rules of   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.6, CCRA.L.6
                 design they just learned.
                               Acquire and use domain-specific words.
                 STEP 3    |   EXTEND  ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.2a                                                                                                                                     DESIGNERS SIGNATURE_____________________________________________________
                               Organize complex information. Include formatting like
                 Students will complete Start Right Activity 5.2 - Design   headlines and infographics when useful.   and interest.
                 Makeover to demonstrate their knowledge of basic design rules.  ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.2d
                               Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary.                                                                                Ó 2018 by Jostens, Inc. All Rights Reserved.         Ó 2018 by Jostens, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
                               ISTE STANDARDS
                             ISTE  1A:  Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas.
                               1B:  Create original works.   Jostens also provides a set of libraries for your use
                               2B:  Communicate ideas effectively using a variety of
                                                             called “Click N’ Go.” They are predesigned elements,
                                                             like headlines, sport scoreboards and folios that you can                              CLUB CUES
                                                             drag and drop on a page. More information on libraries is
                  Do you have an idea for a 7-Minute Starter? Email us at
                                                             available in the digital classroom on Yearbook Avenue.                                 Style guides, page design templates and design checklists are useful reference tools for students working
                  7  ST AR T RIGHT 5.3 — DESIGN                                                                                                     outside of the yearbook room. The primary goal of these documents is to provide a consistent look and
                   MINUTE     Yearbook Design Continued      TIMING                                                                                 feel for the overall publication.
                 OBJECTIVES    21ST CENTURY SKILLS
                 STEP 1   | LEARN   (7 MINUTES)  Creativity is best demonstrated when a person can solve   Just as some advisers conduct theme planning and
                 Students will independently complete Start Right Activity    a problem within a set of confines. In this lesson, students
                               are given a set of design rules and an open-ended
                 5.3 - An Anatomy Lesson as review of the terms learned in    assignment of designing a layout that demonstrates
                 Start Right Lesson 5.2.  those rules.
                 STEP 2   | PRACTICE (25 MINUTES)  COMMON CORE    brainstorming in the spring after yearbook production has
                 Students will watch the 9-minute Design video in the Digital  STATE STANDARDS
                 Classroom (Digital Classroom>Videos>Journalism>Design)
                 to review the principles of design.   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.1, CCRA.L.1
                 Students will complete the layout sketches they began in Start   Demonstrate command of grammar and usage when
                 Right Lesson 5.2, using the rules of yearbook design.  speaking or writing.  been completed, some may use that time to build a library
                 Students will label each element with notes about the rules   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.2, CCRA.L.2
                 followed when placing the element. For example, within the   Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation
                               and spelling.
                 dominant element, student could write, “Dominant element is
                 2 times bigger than any other element and is located near the   ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.2c (11-12.2b)
                 center of the page.”  Spell correctly.      of page design templates for the coming year. Focusing on
                 Note: Supplies are needed for this assignment. Students need:   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.4, CCRA.L.4                                                                       Style guides or checklists are useful reference
                     » a pencil with an eraser  Determine or clarify meaning of unknown words.
                     » the sample layout sketch with notes from Start Right   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.6, CCRA.L.6
                   Presentation 5.2 - Yearbook Design  Acquire and use domain-specific words.
                     » the layout created independently in Start Right   ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.2a   design instruction in the spring builds on student learning,
                   Lesson 5.2  Organize complex information. Include formatting like
                     » a straightedge like a ruler or a piece of paper folded a   headlines and infographics when useful.
                   couple of times lengthwise  ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.2d
                               Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary.  offering advisers a low-pressure time to work one-on-one                                          tools that help promote consistency across
                               ISTE STANDARDS
                             ISTE  1A:  Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas.
                               1B:  Create original works.
                               2B:  Communicate ideas effectively using a variety   with students who wish to hone their design skills. This
                               of media.                                                                                                                                               the publication.
                                                             allows advisers to teach design to all students, but at a
                                                             time of the year that is less demanding.
                  Do you have an idea for a 7-Minute Starter? Email us at
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