Page 13 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                                                                                                       SCHOOL SPIRIT



                                                                                From dressing up for wacky spirit days to
                                                                                displaying our signature black and gold, or
                                                                                shouting out loud during pep rallies,
                                                                                Blackhawks have always flown together.
                                                                                This year is no different!
                                                                                 What does being a Blackhawk mean to
                                                                                 you? For many, this can be a difficult
                                                                                 question to answer. While many students
                                                                                 have spent the vast majority of their life in
                                                                                 South Korea, many others are new to Asia
                                                                                 all-together, and struggle to call
                                                                                 Humphreys home. While Humphreys High              Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                                                                 School will never be a place where all
                                                                                 students grow together throughout their
                                                                                 entire education career, we are a
          Ashley Kosterman, 10, prepares to set up a                             community with enough diversity in life's
          competitive game of "Hungry Hippos" during the
          Winter Pep Rally. It was a long awaited moment, as                     experiences and personalities to make up
          she helped plan for the pep rally with her fellow
          STUCO crew mates!                                                      for the short time we have together. With
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE                                                       walk through the doors to Humphreys             TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                                 countless memories in the making as you

                                                                                 everyday, it's easy to say that fun awaits!

                                                                                        "I APPRECIATE
                                                                               HUMPHREYS BECAUSE OF
                                                                              THE FAMILY THAT IT GIVES
                                            TOP: Jayden Alicaba, 12, sits on the edge of his seat  ME, OUTSIDE MY OWN
                                            with anticipation while watching the game of
                                            knockout between the teachers and students.      HOME."
                                            LEFT: Keegan Gossett, 9, was eager to show off her
                                            school spirit by performing one of the most beloved  - CHARLIZE TULLOS, 12
                                            cheers at HHS with her teammates. Go Blackhawks!

           ELATED EDUCATORS //HHS staff, what do you love about school spirit?

                              MR. TYLER //                         MS. JOHNSON //                       MR. RUMERY //
                              "The energy I see from               "I like seeing the                   "My favorite aspect of
                              the students. It seems               different unique and fun             Spirit Week has always
                              like, over the last couple           ways students and staff              been the culmination of
                              years, Spirit Week and               come up with to fit in               wearing the colors of the
                              pep rallies have gotten a            with the themes."                    school and seeing so
                              lot better."                                                              many students get
                                                                                                        excited about it."


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