Page 16 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                 STUDENT LIFE

            STYLE WITH MOOD //
             LEFT: "I loved my homecoming hairstyle,                      YOU GOT
             because it's neat and pretty. It didn't take a
               lot of time to do it." - Annalei Alfred, 11                STYLE //
            RIGHT: "I put mousse in my hair the night
             before school, and then I put curlers in my                  For senior Maiya Lindsay,
                hair. It works well with curtain bangs."
                         - Catherine O'Leary, 11                             fashion is the key to a
            BOTTOM: "It usually takes my hair about                       great first impression. Not
               10 minutes. It's a unique hairstyle that's                     only is it an easy and
            easy to put up before school every morning."
                      - Lianna May Van Royen, 10                          up-front way to showcase
                                                                            what kind of person you
                                                                              are, it helps promote
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                                                          confidence and resilience.
                             FASHION FRENZY //                             "Fashion is individuality!
                                                                          Fashion should always be
                  When it comes to fashion, attention to detail means everything!  something that you should
                           Let's see what these Blackhawks have to show us.
                                                                              be able to choose for
                       PRECIOUS MARY LLIANNE                                  yourself; to represent
                                 SERCADO, 10 //                              yourself!" Maiya says,
                 Q: Do you imagine yourself wearing the outfit               while discussing what
               before choosing it, or try it on, and then decide?
                 A: "It actually depends. Sometimes I imagine                 fashion meant to her.
                      myself in the outfit I want to wear, but              "I wear what I feel good
                  sometimes I try it on whenever I feel like it."          in," she continued,"and I
                                                                                think that's all that
                               HEEJAE LEE, 10 //                           matters; how YOU feel in
                 Q: How do you choose your outfit for today?               what you wear!" Fashion
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  instance, black is popular in my closet since  dresser, and Maiya utilizes                           TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                    A: "I decide what to wear depend on my
                                                                             at Humphreys ranges
                  mood, and often the weather of course. For
                                                                            from casual, to chic, to
                  it represents a random or neutral mood, or
                                                                           completely unique to the
                            when I'm just feeling down."
                                                                                         all of it!
                     ATHEA JASMINE PARAS, 9 //
                     Q: What style do you prefer wearing ?
                     A: "I usually enjoy wearing a crop-top                       TOP: Maiya Lindsay, 12, checks herself out in the mirror before
                                                                                 heading into the photo booth to capture both her high spirit and her
                  underneath a jacket, paired with my baggy                                                          stellar outfit.
                  pants. I wear it because it's comfortable for              BOTTOM: Maiya Lindsay, 12, rents out a hanbok, a traditional Korean
                  me. But, right now, I'm into wearing skirts."
                                                                              outfit, during early spring at the Gyeongbokgung Palace, celebrating her

                  ENCHANTMENT OF ART  //
                                                    1.                 2.                 3.
                1. "I like my nose ring, because it added perfectly to all of
                   my outfits and really makes my fashion pretty cool."
                                     - Lauren Johnson, 11
                 2. "I honestly really like my nails because its simple and
                 classy. It is not too much and its not too plain. Also, the
                 design goes on everything." - Ethan Jermile Palacios, 10
                   3. "My tattoo is called "Mugunghwa," or the "Rose of
                 Sharon." It represents South Korea's national flower. I'm
                from South Korea, and I want to remember where I came
                                   from." - Lilian Saenz, 11.


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