Page 21 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                                                                                                       FUTURE PLANS



                                                                              With high school coming to an end for so
                                                                              many Blackhawks, life after high school is in
                                                                              the back of everyone's minds. Whether your
                                                                              plans consist of college, the military, or
                                                                              straight into a job, all Blackhawks will find
                                                                              success in their future!
                                                                                                 ROBERT COBB, 11 //
                                                                                                 "I think I'll just miss the friends that
                                                                                                 I've made here, especially because
                                                                                                 the time I had was kinda cut short
                                                                                                 because of my choice to graduate
                                                                                                 early. I'm leaving behind all of my
                                                                                                 friends who are graduating next
                                                                                                 year."                            Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                                                                                LANIN CRAIG, 12 //
                                                                                                "I'll probably miss my friends,
                                                                                                because everybody's gonna get
                                                                                                jobs, some people are gonna move
                                                                                                away. We're also living in Korea, so
          NEW BEGINNINGS //
          Hana Chang, 12, shows off her new colleges                                            a lot of people are going to go back
          merch, UC Irvine, which she has 100%                                                  to the States, and you just kinda
          committed to. We know that she'll go on and                                           miss those connections."
          thrive at this innovative and selective school!                                        WIPAWARIN
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                                                                                                 "What I will mostly miss about high
                                                                                                 school are my friends and teachers
                                                                                                 who are nice to me, and who give
                                                                                                 me advice about my future in
                                                                                "THE RESULT IS THE ONE THING
                                           TOP: Senior Faith Song, originally from Texas,  THAT MOTIVATES ME THE MOST,
                                           committed to a great school in her home state, the
                                           University of Texas at Austin!            THAT SATISFACTION OF
                                           LEFT: Micah Skiles, senior, spent lots of time  ACHIEVING THOSE GOALS YOU
                                           contemplating which school would best suit her and her
                                           future. In the end, she made the great choice of  WORKED SO HARD FOR."
                                           committing to North Carolina State University!  - KAMRON VERELL, 12

           A MOTIVATIONAL STANDARD //                                   Blackhawks, what motivates you to work harder, study longer,
                                                                        and soar higher?
                              EMILY MCCULLOUGH, 11 //              CLAIRE DEHNER, 11 //                 DANIEL KU, 12 //
                              "I want to know and be               "Something that                      "The want to be
                              as aware as much as I                motivates me to work                 successful motivates
                              can, and with my family              harder is that I'm the               me. I just want to make
                              at home supporting me,                                                    my parents proud and
                              it gives me the                      first child of my
                              resources and                        household, therefore I               my friends proud, and I
                              inspiration to work                  need to set an example               want to be able to
                              harder."                             that is impossibly high."            support my family."


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