Page 17 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                                                                               NEVER GO OUT OF


                                                                              Every Blackhawk at Humphreys High School
                                                                              has their own distinct style. From makeup to
                                                                              jewelry, hairstyles to shoe wear, every outfit
                                                                              is an embodiment of each students'
                                                                              personality, individuality, and character.
                                                                              There's a certain appeal to fashion that
                                                                              many students at HHS can understand -
                                                                              and that appeal branches out further for
                                                                              some students. Shoes, accessories, and
                                                                              jewelry are ways to keep up in an ever-
                                                                              diversifying trend of what's "in". For others,
                                                                              it's an outlet for showcasing their unique
                                                                              personalities and individual qualities. In           Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                                                              essence, this is what makes fashion appeal
                                                                              to us Blackhawks. It never seems to leave
                                                                              us, no matter what we do! Fashion is so
                                                                              unparalleled by nature, that it's practically
         "It's been really fun, and I've been able to meet                    an art form by definition. Do you have a
         a lot of actors and models in my agency,"
         Arianna Crismon, 12, admits as she recalls                           special necklace or bracelet that you often
         about how she started modeling because of a                          wear? A scarf that was hand-crafted by a
         survey she jokingly took on Instagram.                               close relative? Maybe a signature look only
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE                                                    there's no wrong answer. Fashion is all            TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                                                                              you can pull off? When it comes to fashion,

                                                                              about who we are, how we feel, and why
                                                                              we have such a stylish cast of students in
                                                                              class every day. Walk your walk,

                                                                                        “FASHION COMES IN MANY
                                           TOP:  A canceled dance wasn't going to let these Sophomores miss out
                                           on Valentines day! From left to right, Kayla Collins, Elizabeth Yi, Soojan FORMS, SUCH AS EXPRESSION
                                           West, and Ashley Kosterman, all celebrated 'Galentines' by going out for
                                           a photo shoot at AK Plaza, dressing up like life is truly the party!  OF WHAT YOUR FEELING.”
                                           LEFT: "I'm interested in fashion because it gives me an alternative way  - SHAYNE SOPHIA MARTIN, 10
                                           to embrace who I am. Fashion inspires me everyday to express myself
                                           creatively in my appearance." - Mina Vang, 10

           HHS TIKTOK INFLUENCERS // How did you become a TikTok influencer?

                                                                  JEREMY PARK, 10 //                     EMMANUEL LAWSON, 10 //
                              TYLEN HALL, 11 //                                                          "At first, I posted a TikTok
                              "I make TikTok videos               "I was thinking of doing a             video dancing with my
                              often, and they're, like,           TikTok video with two of my            friends, and it just blew up
                              dancing and fun videos. I           friends. We did TikTok together        suddenly, many people liked
                              posted a video one time             for fun and did many different         my videos, and my views
                              and it got 500 likes. That's        stuff like dancing. A lot of           increased."
                              when I decided to continue          people liked and viewed them,
                              posting content."                   followers also increased."


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