Page 18 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
P. 18

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                 STUDENT LIFE


               MUSIC IS ... //
            LEFT: Everything. I grew up with music.
             It was a very stable constant in my life, so
                   it's always something I've had."
                       - Cameron McMilan, 11
                RIGHT: "It's magical. It's magical
            because when you listen to a certain type of
             music, people feel a different type of way;                     2.
                    they feel all of the emotions."
                            - Jayda Smart, 9
             BOTTOM: "Influence. I'd say influence
              because music influences your mood. It
            influences you to do things. It can make you
             motivated, sad, or makes you think about
                 certain things." John Langston, 11
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.

                                  THIS IS MY JAM //
                    Blackhawks, the door slams open and you walk into the room.
                                                  What song is playing?
                 JON IRIZARRY-INGLES, 12 //
                     "Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley,
                    without a doubt It's a pretty good                                        3.
                 song. Plus, I actually haven't heard it
                                     in a while!"

                          MIA BOWERS, 12 //
                   "I would say That Girl by Beyonce,
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  about myself. Plus, the song has              Apple Cider by singer/songwriter  4.                   TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                because it makes me feel really good

                           always suited my vibe."
                                                                            1. Winding down from another
                                                                                morning at Humphreys,
                                                                          Christian Bruce, 12, chills out to
                          ASH VAUGHN, 11 //
                 "Highway to Hell, by AC/DC. I would
                                                                                           likes listening to rap, modern pop, and rock music.
                  definitely pick this song because It's                   2. Elijah Kwon, 11, wears his headphones as he traverses the hallways. He
                                                                            3. Before getting to work in Chemistry, Lai'lah Arnold, 10, listens to one of
                      just one of the songs I grew up
                                                                                     the most popular artists of modern youth, Tyler the Creator!
                                          with."                          4. Dylan Yi, 12, jams out to some Indie music while waiting for his friends in
                                                                          the cafeteria. There's no better way to kill the time then to put on something!

                        KEY TO THE FUTURE //
                 1. Soren Greene, 11, uses his iPhone 11- one of the most  1.  2.         3.
                popular models of all time - to search for a camera-operating
                  guide in his yearbook production class. Hopefully he got
                                  permission to use his phone.
               2. Gauge Flores, 10, usually uses his phone to scroll through
                      TikTok and Youtube before heading to first period.
                   Sometimes you just need some time to yourself before
                                      getting you day going!
                3. Christopher Dutcher, 12,  checks in with his friends in the
                 States before class starts. With such a big time difference,
                 sometimes you have to connect with your overseas friends
                                      during the school day!


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