Page 18 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 18
➢ Mass transfer between gas phase and liquid phase into a packed column
Study of the hydrodynamics of a packed column
Determination of flooding conditions, influence of water flow rate
Determination of overflooding conditions
Determination of packing factor
Study of the CO 2 absorption in water
Materials balance on the gaseous solute
Thermal balance
Determination of the efficiency of the column by defining the HTU and NTU
Demonstration of the exothermic effect due to absorption
Study of the desorption by air of a carbonated solution
General specifications Instrumentation
• 5 digital thermometers.
• Column in 2 glass sections. • Air flowmeter
• Water flowmeter.
• Glass Raschig rings packing. • Gas flowmeter CO 2.
• Polyethylene tanks.
• Metering pump, settable flowrate.
• Damping system. 100 - 240 V 6 bar
1ϕ - 50/60 Hz
• Graduated glass receiver. Dim: 120 x 50 x 270 cm - 100 kg
➢ Study of the absorption of O 2 in air by deoxygenated water
Nitrogen stripping of raw water to deoxygenate water
Determination of mass transfer coefficients
Variation of air flowrate, influence of liquid flowrate
General specifications Instrumentation
• Air flowmeter.
• Deoxygenating column. Glass Raschig rings • Water flowmeter.
packing. Nitrogen inlet. • 2 oxygen probes.
• 2 portable oxymeters.
• Polyethylene tanks.
• Pump delivering water to the deoxygenating
• Glass wetted wall column.
• Pump delivering water to the wetted wall column.
• Compressor.
100 - 240 V Water Nitrogen
1ϕ - 50/60 Hz 30L
Dim : 85 x 50 x 220 cm - 60 kg
18 Chemical engineering & unit operations