Page 19 - PIGNAT catalogue 2020 GB_092020
P. 19


                                                  ADS/2000  SOLID - LIQUID ADSORPTION DESORPTION

                                                   ➢     Study of the adsorption/desorption cycle in continuous operation
                                                   ➢     Study of using 2 columns in series or in parallel
                                                   Study of the adsorption process on activated carbon
                                                         Influence of parameters: temperature and liquid phase concentration, liquid and
                                                         gas flow rates, adsorbent quantity
                                                         Materials balance and calculation of adsorption number
                                                         Demonstration of carbon saturation: column breakthrough graph
                                                         Calculation and drawing of the adsorption isotherms

                                                   Study of the desorption process
                                                         Compare desorption in liquid phase and gaseous phase

                                                   Operation using a two-column system: series and parallel operation

                                                          General specifications          Instrumentation
                                                                                 • Flowmeter.
                                                   •  Polyethylene tank, 20 L.   • Temperature probe Pt100Ω.
                                                                                 • 2 digital thermometers.
                                                   •  2  double  jacketed  glass  columns,  with   •  2 manometers.
                                                     pressure  measurement  at  its  top  and

                                                             1ϕ or 3ϕ - 50/60 Hz   500 L / h   Nitrogen
                                                   •  System for easy handling, charging and
                                                     cleaning of the column.

                                                                                        200 - 240 V
                                                   •  Heating group.

                                                                                       Dim: 170 x 70 x 210 cm  -  100 kg

                               MIXED ADSORPTION          ADM/2000

                                  ➢    Study of the gas-adsorption by a solid
                                ➢     Study of the liquid adsorption by a solid

              Study of the gas-solid adsorption on two columns of different diameters
                                                 Effect of column’s diameter

                            Qualitative and quantitative study of the adsorption
                    Influence of concentration and flow rate parameters on the liquid phase
                                           Influence of liquid and gas flow rates
                                  Influence of the amount  and the type of absorbent

                              Study of the adsorption / desorption cycle (option)

               General specifications           Instrumentation
                                       • Water flowmeter.
        •  Polyethylene tank.          • Air flowmeter.
                                       • CO 2 flowmeter.
        •  SS gear pump.               • 2 temperature probes Pt100Ω.
                                       • 1 digital thermometer.
        •  Two glass columns, packed with activat-  • Manometers.
          ed carbon:
              Column 1 , packing 300g.
               Column 2 packing 170g.
        •  Graduated  glass  vessel  for  gas  titration                     Thermoregulator group
          and neutralization 3L packed with SS Pall                          Gas preheating line (cartridge heater)
                                              200 - 240 V   CO 2   2 bar max
          rings.                            1ϕ or 3ϕ - 50/60 Hz              Liquid preheating line (cartridge heater)

                                              Dim: 200 x 75 x 220 cm  -  170 kg

         Chemical engineering & unit operations                                                               19
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