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Introduction page
Ideal means satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable. Teacher is a
person who helpsyo acquire knowledge, competence or value through through mastery
of pedagogical content knowledge,psychology,philosophy, thorough planning and
remarkable leadership skills. An ideal teacher subscribes to the pedagogy of care, this
is important in that the principles of teaching and learning support this principle.
Theories propounded by the likes of Maslow's needs hierarchy so that for a learner to
work at their optimal level it is important that their physical, social needs are met first.
The ideal teacher is an ever changing concept because it has to be updated to adapt to
the times and world changes.
Collaboration is tied in with working together to arrive at an objective and putting ability,
skill, and cognition to work. Much the same as with correspondence, technology has
made collaboration simpler. As a matter of fact, technology makes collaboration a
stride more remote, making sorts of coordinated effort conceivable that weren't before
technology . however breakdowns can occur. The quantity of decisions can get
overpowering, and the genuine collaboration can get lost while we give a lot of
consideration to the methods we're using to team up. As the world goes increasingly
interconnected, coordinated effort will turn into an increasingly more basic skill than it
as of now is, which is the reason it makes the rundown of the for 21st Century abilities.
Critical thinking is taking a gander at issues in another manner and connecting learning
crosswise over subjects and teaches. Much the same as with the past two thoughts,
basic reasoning has been a basic ability in consistently and calling. Notwithstanding,
technology has changed the basic critical thinking stage. The more technology makes
humble undertakings, for example, retention invalid and void, the more space that offers
us to invest energy in increasingly complex reasoning abilities. In any case, it's too
simple to even consider letting innovation do the intuition for us, or feeling that it does.
So as to prevail in the 21st Century, you need to recollect that, regardless of how
innovative the machine, it's pointless without an individual guiding it and pondering the
outcome. Imagination is attempting new ways to deal with complete things,