Page 2 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
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2                  1 - 14 November  2020

                                        Necessity is the mother of invention                                                               By Alex Iwuoha

                         COVID lockdown is forcing churches to come up with new ways of doing ministry

              A new report shows that many
              Christians  are now  turning  to   2020 has changed everything.  This is a highly
              virtual churches and social me-  contagious year.  It is infected with a virus,
              dia for their spiritual sustenance   perhaps, we need to reboot or reinstall.
              more than ever before, as the
              UK Government imposes anoth-    now, we have gone full circle and   demic.  One ad-
              er COVID-19 lockdown.           we are back to tablets again,   vantage of this de-
                                              only this time, electronic tablets.    velopment  is that
              The report published by Future-                               many more people
              Believers reveals that Christian   A  few years ago, you could   are now connect-
              ministries are experiencing con-  read the Bible only through the   ing with churches
              sistent growth through their on-  pages of a thick book, but now,   than ever before.
              line  services.  Due  to a bigger   you can have a combination  of   Likewise,  ministers
              reach, engagement, and con-     your Bible, thesaurus, diction-  are now connecting
              version metrics, more churches   ary, and Christian history all on   with people outside
              are now preaching the  gospel   your phone, tablet, smartwatch,   their geographical
              via zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook,   and most electronic devices.  As   locations  and out-
              Instagram, Twitter, and other so-  a result, many preachers are no   side their congre-
              cial media platforms.           longer sure if their congregations   gations.   Howev-     easier to switch between the   The  year  has  changed
                                              are actually following when they   er, the congregation is now   sermon of a preacher at one   everything.  2020 is a highly
              The researchers say that “believ-  nod in agreement during a ser-  equipped with a choice.  Per-  church, to the exhortation  of   contagious year.  It is infect-
              ers” who did not believe in social   mon,  while fully  concentrated   haps, this  is  a  good or  bad   another in a different church,   ed with a virus, perhaps, we
              media before the lockdown  are   on their phones.  Sam Aluko of   thing.  People can now attend   all in the comfort of their bed-  need to reboot or reinstall.
              now converted and convinced     Church of God,  in Sutton,  Sur-  more than one church service   room.
              that the way forward  for minis-  rey, said, “You can only imagine   at the same time.  It is now
              tries is not only through the four   that they (your congregation) are
              walls  of a church building,  but   following  you.   The interesting
              also online.                    thing is  when someone sits  in
                                              the pew and decides it is more
              Chuka  Ajeko, a Christian in    interesting to listen to the same
              Beckton, London, said, “There   sermon, at the same time, on
              is hardly anything you cannot do   Facebook or Twitter.”
              online, these days, from confes-
              sion  to communion, preaching,   Interactive
              praying,  and  prophesy.  It’s all                                                Be a
              done online.”                   Social media gives people  the
                                              opportunity  to make comments
              “You can receive personal       and ask questions, something        Secret Santa
              prayer, and you can join a zoom   that would have been almost
              group prayer meeting,” said Aje-  impossible to do during a church
              ko.                             service.                                   for a vulnerable child

              Today, the population  of the   Some people could present their
              world is  about 7.8  billion.   2.5   concerns anonymously, and ask
              billion people are on social me-  thought-provoking  questions       This year, vulnerable children
              dia, which is about 33% of  the   that would have been very em-
              world’s population. No wonder a   barrassing  if they were  unable   in the UK need a Secret Santa
              lot of Churches now have online   to hide under the anonymity that
              services.  However, that was not   social media offers.              more than ever.
              the reason why believers  em-
              braced social media.   The  real   Coronavirus
              reason is as a result of lockdown                                    The pandemic has had a
              restrictions.                   If  modern  technology  has
                                              changed  the way we read the         devastating impact on their lives.
              Innovation                      Bible, coronavirus has changed
                                              the way we do Church.                Thousands of children and
              Over the years, we have seen
              the Church grow with the times.    This year, we’ve had the Drive-   young people face Christmas
              While some congregations  are   through Church, online services,
              stagnant and stuck in their old   Facebook  Cell  group,  Twitter    without a hot meal, a present
              ways  of doing  ministries,  many   fellowship, sermon on  Youtube,
              are embracing  new technology.   Zoom prayer meeting,  Tik-Tok       or a safe place to sleep.
              Remember, the first time the Bi-  service  of songs, and  many
              ble got to the hands of Moses,   more.                               But with your help,
              it was a tablet. Not IPAD or an-
              droid tablets as we have it today,   All these innovations  are large-  we could change this.
              but a pure stone tablet. After in-  ly due to  lockdown restrictions
              novations like scrolls and paper,   caused by  the  COVID-19 pan-

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