Page 4 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
P. 4
4 1 - 14 November 2020
COVID lockdown may be extended beyond 2 December
By Bola Joko
The lockdown announced by Boris review date was “useful”, but the
Johnson at the beginning of this government should not become
month, may extend to next month fixed on it. “We don’t know what
and beyond if the infection rate the situation is going to be like in
does not fall sufficiently, according the last week of November and
to Michael Gove. the first week of December. We all
hope that four weeks is going to be
Gove, the Chancellor of the Duchy enough,” he said.
of Lancaster, told Sky News’ So-
phy Ridge programme the meas- If infections, hospital admissions,
ures would be reviewed at the end and other key metrics had not fall-
of the period and could last longer en sufficiently, he said, “It would
if we have not done enough to con- be much better to extend this lock-
tain the spread of the virus. down for another couple of weeks
prior to the Christmas period and
Although, the prime minister said then loosen the restrictions a little
that the lockdown measures would bit over Christmas so that people
end on 2 December. But Gove’s can meet up with their families”.
statement seems to be suggesting
that this might not be the same. “Much better to do that than re-
move these restrictions and then
Gove said, “We’ve got these four- have to impose even more draco-
week period, during which we’re nian restrictions over Christmas or
going to review progress, but of soon into the New Year.” Michael Gove, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
course, we’ll always be driven by
the data. We will always take a Farrar suggested the regional ap-
decision in the national interest, proach to managing the disease, Passionate about
based on evidence.” When he was which involved local deals pains-
asked if that meant the measures takingly assembled with leaders in
could be extended, he said, “yes.” Greater Manchester, Liverpool and building community?
elsewhere, was likely to give way
Gove’s admission that the lock- to nationwide rules. Community Relationship Manager
down may need to last longer was
echoed by Sir Jeremy Farrar, the However, Gove said ministers The Community Relationship Manager is a key role with responsibility
Director of the Wellcome Trust were keen to retain the ability to for building relationships with local churches to help establish Safe
and a member of the govern- impose regional restrictions and Families as a transformational tool theycan use to serve their
ment’s Scientific Advisory Group control regional outbreaks in the communities. We’re looking for a visionary communicator who has
for Emergencies, known as SAGE. future. He said, “The regional ap- established networks across the South-East of London, and
proach is one that wherever possi-
Farrar told BBC One’s The Andrew ble we want to take.” experience of working with multicultural and diverse communities,
Marr Show that the 2 December including black majority churches.
Hours: 24 hrs per week
Location: London initially home-based with a view
towards working in a office in SE London from 21/22
Salary: Circa £25k-30k pro rata
Closing date: 12noon Friday 4th December 2020
To apply
or call 0333 4141488
SafeFamiliesUK Safe Families