Page 3 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
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1 - 14 November 2020 3
Health Secretary warns of long-term effects COVID affects around 10% of
New data suggests long
of COVID-19 as new film released 18-49 year olds who become
unwell with COVID-19
The Health Secretary is urging the public - around 10% of COVID-19 cases who were
and especially young people - to follow the not admitted to hospital have reported symp-
rules and protect themselves and others toms lasting more than four weeks and a
from COVID-19, as new data and a new film number of hospitalised cases reported con-
released today reveal the potentially devas- tinuing symptoms for eight or more weeks
tating long-term impact of the virus. after discharge.
The symptoms of ‘long COVID’ - including Health and Social Care Secretary Matt
fatigue, protracted loss of taste or smell, res- Hancock said: “I am acutely aware of the
piratory and cardiovascular symptoms and lasting and debilitating impact long COVID
mental health problems - are described in can have on people of all ages, irrespective
a new film being released today as part of of the seriousness of the initial symptoms.
the wider national Hands, Face, Space cam- The findings from researchers at King’s Col-
paign. The film calls on the public to con- lege London are stark and this should be a
tinue to wash their hands, cover their face sharp reminder to the public – including to
and make space to control the spread of the young people – that COVID-19 is indiscrimi-
virus. nate and can have long-term and potentially
devastating effects”
The emotive film features the story of Jade,
32, who explains how her life has been af- Dr Seun Bakare, Northwest Urgent Care
fected - weeks and months after being di- GP, said: “Most people recover from COVID
agnosed with COVID-19. “I wake up with a 19 without needing specialist treatment and
headache every single morning, I don’t feel for the majority symptoms will clear just after
like my brain is working the same way any- 14 days. However, for some the symptoms
more. Day to day tasks at home are tough. It continue for weeks and months, if people are
can wipe me out just doing basic things” suffering with breathlessness, muscular pain
and fatigue then they must speak to their GP
A new study today from King’s College Lon- and get a diagnosis”
don, using data from the COVID Symptom
Study App and ZOE, shows one in 20 people The Government is committed to support-
with COVID-19 are likely to have symptoms ing people suffering long-term symptoms of
for 8 weeks or more. The study suggests COVID-19. The NHS recently announced breathlessness, chronic fatigue, after recovering from COVID-19,
long COVID affects around 10% of 18-49 £10 million to run designated long COVID “brain fog” to anxiety and stress. speak to your GP, call 111 or check
year olds who become unwell with COV- clinics in every area across England where the Your Covid Recovery website -
ID-19. specialists and GPs will all help assess, If you are suffering from any long- an online COVID recovery resource
diagnose and treat thousands of people term symptoms or health problems for patients.
Public Health England have found that who have reported symptoms ranging from