Page 7 - Testify 1-14 Nov 2020
P. 7
1 - 14 November 2020 7
month in
November history
1537 - German 1646 - The Massachusetts Bay Col- 1917 - In Moscow, following abdica-
reformer Martin ony passed a law making it a capital tion of Russian Czar Nicholas II, the
Luther stated during offence to deny that the Bible was the historic Orthodox Church Council of
one of his “Table Talks”: Word of God. Any person convicted 1917-1918 restored the office of patri-
‘There are many fluent of the offence was liable to the death arch, suppressed by Peter the Great
0753 - Death preachers who speak at penalty. in 1700.
of St. Pirminius, length but say nothing, who
first abbot of the Ben- have words without substance.’ 1740 - Birth of Anglican clergyman 1917 - British foreign secretary Ar-
edictine monastery at Re- Augustus M. Toplady. A highly re- thur J. Balfour, 69, issued the Balfour
ichenau (located in modern 1600 - Staunch Anglican theologi- spected evangelical leader, Toplady Declaration, calling for “establishment
Germany). His name endures an Richard Hooker died at 46. His authored the hymn “Rock of Ages” in Palestine of a national home for
today as author of a book entitled last words were: ‘God hath my daily two years before his premature death the Jewish people.” The document’s
“Scarapsus,” which is the earliest petitions, for I am at peace with all at 38 in 1778. recognition of a Jewish nationalism
known writing to contain the Apostles’ men, and He is at peace with me... planted the seed which in 1948 led to
Creed as it is worded in its present form. and this witness makes the thoughts 1784 - English clergyman Thomas an establishment of the modern state
of death joyful.’ Coke, 37, first arrived in America, of Israel.
at New York City. He was the first
1164 - Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas 1631 - English clergyman John El- Methodist bishop to come to the New 1925 - The Pentecostal Ministerial
Becket, 45, began a six-year self-imposed iot, 27, first arrived in America, at World. Alliance was organised at St. Lou-
exile in France. Once a close friend of Eng- Boston. Afterwards, he became is, MO. It became the forerunner of
land’s Henry II; Thomas had more recent- the first Protestant minister 1789 - During the chaos of the French a new denomination, established in
ly become an outspoken opponent of the to devote himself to the Revolution, the property of the Church 1932 as the Pentecostal Church, Inc.
king’s royal policies. evangelisation of the in France was taken over by the state.
American In- 1936 - Future U.S. Senate Chap-
1512 - Italian Renaissance artist dian. 1818 - Pliny Fisk, 26, set sail for Pal- lain Rev. Peter Marshall, 34, mar-
Michelangelo, 37, unveiled his estine. Ordained by the American ried Catherine Wood, 22. Following
5,808-square-foot masterpiece, Board of Commissioners for Foreign Peter’s premature death at age 46,
the ceiling of the Sistine Missions, Fisk became the first Catherine immortalized his name
Chapel in the Vatican. American missionary to jour- through her 1951 bestselling biogra-
He had been commis- ney to the Near East. phy, “A Man Called Peter.”
sioned in 1508 by
Pope Julius II to 1950 - Billy Graham’s “Hour of De-
do a work de- cision” program was first broadcast
picting the over television.
whole sto-
ry of the 1950 - Pope Pius XII proclaimed
Bible. the dogma of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. His Apostolic
Constitution “Munificentissimus Deus”
taught that, at the end of her earthly
life, Jesus’ mother was taken, body
and soul, into heaven to be united
with the risen Christ.
1966 - London’s “Evening
Standard” newspaper pub-
lished John Lennon’s con-
troversial remark stating
that the Beatles were
“more popular than
Jesus.” The quote
touched off a storm of
controversy and in-
ternational protest,
resulting in a world-
wide boycott of
Beatles music.