Page 3 - Welters Proposal and IMPACT Report
P. 3


                                      THEN I CAN SEE IT AND

                                         IF I CAN SEE IT, I CAN

                                               MAKE IT HAPPEN”

                                                          Mr. Anthony Welters

          Mr. Welters and Ambassador Welters, your lives and work have inspired young
           people to dream, and your benevolence has enabled them to “make it happen”.

                 Making Dreams Happen -Your Impact on MSM

      Morehouse School of Medicine is a grateful beneficiary of your
      service and generosity. As a Trustee Emeritus of MSM, your time

      and expertise has contributed to our success and expansion.

      Additionally, the Beatrice Wilkinson Welters Endowed Scholarship Fund
      has changed the lives of first-generation students and will do so for

      years to come.

      In the words of 2022-23 Beatrice Wilkinson Welters Endowed

      scholarship recipient, Marshaun Hall: “You are investing in a dream

      and a gift. Know that your donation has an immediate effect on me
      and my ability to pay for school but will also be amplified by each

      opportunity I have to help an individual as I continually strive to
      serve our community.”

      Thank you for investing in our students’ gifts. They will passionately
      contribute to the wellness of their patients, compelled by your

      example and generosity. To date, your endowed scholarship has
      awarded $265,446 to six recipients from 2012 until now. We cannot

      thank your family enough, please find the impact report attached to

      this proposal.

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