Page 137 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 137
I Banking fl ,r.nosition + noun phrases
1 Check the meaning of the words below. Then use them to Preposition + noun phrases
complete the text.
Some nouns are used in expressions with a fixed
Banking hranch cash machine cheque bool< p re positio n.
current account debit card lnternet bani<ing' interest by cheque in cash on foot
Pltl number salary savings account
I left schoolin July and got my first job. I immediately 1 Read the Learn fhisJ box and comptete the phrases with the
opened a '- and arranged for my 2 to be prepositions below,
paid in every month. I also opened a '
which pays good' - about 5o/o d\Edr. I chose a at bV fsr from in sn out of under
bank that has a 5 in my town but that also has first sight
, as l'd like to manage the accounts online. I u n ive rsity
was given a (though I don't thinl( l'[[ write many t n oth ing 5
B (his) own
cheques), and a , which I can use to pay for a change
things online or over the phone. I atso received a four-digit expense
which t have to enter when I withdraw money chance control
'from 10-
a . 2 m istal<e 6 (her) breath
I-! acci d e nt i nvestigation
!_l Advertising hotiday
1 tvtatch the nouns and verbs betow with the definitions. Use b usi n ess
3 7 I uck
your dictionary to help you. pu rpose
noutg hanner ad bitlboard brand consumer flyer a diet
jingle togo pop-up ad slogan trailer trouble Alo Z
yelb-C- to launch to promote to purchase 4 A MESS 8 sc ratch
the end memory
1 a very [arge board used for advertising
2 short ctips from a film orTV programme, used to Complete the sentences with preposition + noun phrases
advertise it from exercise 1. Use one phrasg from each group.
3 to buy
1 Jason has been . He's lost a lot of weight.
4 u purion who buy things 2 She told her friend the answer so that the
5 a short piece of music used in an advert
teacher coutdn't hear.
6 a sma[[ piece of paper used for advertising
3 I didn't mean to leave my bag at schoot. I did it
7 a product made by a particular company
8 a short phrase that is easy to remember, used for Toby's room is atways . He never tidies or
advertising -
cleans it.
9 to make people aware of a product or service My uncte has been for three months. I hope
10 an advert that opens in a new window when you visit a
he finds a job soon.
I tost alt the notes I had made for my essay, so l'lt have to
77 symbol or design used by a company to identify it
slart agarn
72 long, narrow advertisement on a website
We usuatty go to France in the summer, but last year we
73 to start selling a new product
went to ltaly
Sue and Martin met at my party. lt was love
They've been going out ever since.
Vocabulary Builder I r:135