Page 135 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 135

il-r                                                    t-i
       f_l   fnree-part phrasal verbs                          Ll     ldioms with heartand heod

                                                                1  Match  the idioms  (1-10)  with the meanings (a-j).
           Three-part  phrasaI verbs
           Some  phrasalverbs  have more than two parts.  These    1 set your heart on something
           phrasalverbs  are used with an object and they are     2 lose heart
           inseparable.                                           3 break somebody's  heart
           run out of -  We've run out of milk.                   4 off by heart
           split up with  -  Sam's split up with Becky.            5 take something  to heart
                                                                  6 head first
          Read the Leorn  this! box. Comptete  the three-part phrasal  7 head over heels in love
          verbs  with the words below. Then  match  them to their  8 laugh your head off
          meaning a-h.                                             t  have a head for heights
                                                                 10 a head start
          down on  o!'l out  out  cut  up  up
          1 get---with      somebody                              a become  discouraged
                                                                  b be upset by something
          2 fall        with somebody
          3 carry         with something                          c decide  you want something very much
          4 put         with somebody / something                 d from memory
          5 took-        on somebody                              e mal<e somebody very sad
          6 watk         on somebody                              f  be abte to siand  in high ptaces without fear
                                                                  g with your head before your body; too quickly
          7 took           somenody'
                                                                   h taugh for a long time
          8 go          with somebody
                --,o                                              i  an advantage  that you have before  you start doing
          a be someone's girtfriend  boyfriend                       something
          b th in k you a re better tha n somebody                i  deeply in love
          c have
               -  a good retationship  with somebody
          d continue with something                             2  Complete  the sentences  with idioms from exercise 1.
          e leave  (your partner or famity) suddenty               Remember  to change the pronouns where necessary.
          f  have an argument with somebody                        1 I know a few poems       . I learned  them when  I
          g tolerate somebody /  something                           was at primary schoot.
          h admire somebody                                        2  Josh  got divorced and rushed   into a new
                                                                     relationsh  ip.
          Complete  the sentences  with the correct  form of the three-  3 Don't  -   ! He was onty joking  when he said he
          part phrasal  verbs in exercise 1.
                                                                     didn't  tike your new hairstyle.
          1 I         my grandfather  because  he fought for his   4 George is determined  to be a doctor.  He   going
            country in the Second Wortd War.                         to medicaI schoo[.
          2 He          peopte  just  because  they are less       5 I         when  John fett into the swimming  poot. lt was
             intettigent than  him.                                  so funnyl                       -
          3 Mr Thompson          his wife and children and ran off  6 We're tosing 1-0 at hatf-time. But we mustn't
            with his secretary.                                      I'm sure we'll score a goaI  in the second half.
          4 Jake         very wetl        Martha. They're          7 I couldn't move when I reached the top of the tower. I  f  ust
             atways together.                                        don't        .
          5 I don't l<now how Sam       Felicity. She's  so        8 Poor Karen! lt      when Dan walked out on her.
             bad-temperedl                                         9 She's  got       when it comes to learning Engtish
          6 'When did Chris start-     Hannah?"At Easter,  I         because  she
                                                                             -  spent a year in the USA.
            thinl<.'           -                                  10 They  are        They're  comptetely inseparabte.
          7 I'm going  to       French  next year,  but I'm going  to
             grve up berman.
          8 Kate isn't speaking to David.  I think she   him.

                                                                                                    Vocabutary Btrilder  :  -1!3
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