Page 131 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 131
Agent nouns Read the Learn this! box. Complete the sentences with a
phrase with work in the appropriate form.
Agent nouns 1 My mum decided not to after she had had her
We can use the following suffixes for people who do first baby. ---
particular jobs or activities: -er, -ar, -ist, -ant, -ian. 2 I dropped my mobite into a puddte of water and now it
actor journalist manager
musician shop assistant Most industries have ctosed down in this area, so many
people are
1 Read the Learn fhisJ box. Then comptete the nouns below I quite tike running or cycting to keep fit. But I hate
using suffixes. Use a dictionary to hetp you. at the gym"
1 carpent_ 12 optic I can't where that sound is coming from. Do
2 archaeolog- 13 pharmac you know?
3 account- 14 fruit-pick- 6 Tom is this week. He's got the flu.
4 chitd mind 15 potitic- 7 Let's stop chatting and . We've got a lot to do.
5 civit serv-- 16 reception 8 I can't reatty understand her. She needs to her
5 telesates operat- 17 scient- - pronuncralron.
/ porr 18 socialworl<
8 etectric 19 software programm Phrasal verbs: separable -
9 flight attend- 20 translat- -
10 lT consult- 21 wait- 1 Read the Lesrn fhrsl box. Find two separable phrasalverbs
in the fact file in exercise 4 on page 26.
11 mathematic 22 police inspect
L_l Useful phrases with work Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable, which
means there are two possible positions for the object.
He took off his jacket.
work (verb)
He took his jacket off.
7 work: function
However when the oblect is a pronoun, it always goes
This MP3 doesn't work. I think it's broken.
between the two parts of a separable phrasal verb.
2 work ouf : calculate; find the answer
He took it off.
I can't work out the answer to this sum.
He tookaffi.
I can't work out why he did that.
Your dictionary witl tett you if a phrasatverb is separable
3 work out : lrain at the gym
or not.
Jason is very fit. He works out every morning.
4 work on : try to improve
My son needs to work on his spelling. lt's awful! 2 Rewrite the sentences putting the object in a different
work(noun) position.
7 be out of work: be unemployed 1 My mum gave her job up tast month.
My dad's out of work. There aren't ony jobs round here. Mv mLrm t)avP v\D her roP \ati monih.
2 be off work: not be at work because you are not well 2 I'd tike to set a business up when I leave schoo[.
My uncle's off work with a bad bock. 3 The company taid off twenty worl<ers.
3 get down to work: start working 4 The manager decided to ctose the factory down.
l've only got two hours to write this essay. I need to 5 Please fitt in the application form.
get down to work. 6 The teacher gave out the exam papers.
4 go back to work: start work after a period away 7 Wittyou put away your things, please?
She went back to work when her baby was a year old. 8 We worked the answers out by ourselves.
Vocabulary Builder , 1?9