Page 126 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 126

Complete  the sentences  with the correct form of the    Write the correct reflexive pronouns.
            verb hove.
                                                                    1 Did Satly have her hair dyed?
           1 I didn't repair my MP3 player. I  had  it repaired.
                                                                      No, she dlsd it hrrsal{  .
           2 I haven't serviced my car. I    it serviced.           2 Mum, did we have our house  decorated?
           3 We aren't building a new house.  We _   a new            No, we did it '.-   .
              house built.                                          3 Did your uncle have his ftat cleaned?
           4 I'm not going  to ctean the carpets. l'm  going  to      No, he did it
                                    -                                                    .
              the carpets  cleaned.                                 4 Did you have  Vour  clothes ironed?
           5 Did you cut down  the tree  or   you         it          No, I ironed them _     .
              cut down?                                             5 Do you have your naits painted?
           6 We didn't  make  new curtains. We    them  made.         No, I paint  them
                                     -           -                  6 Did you and Mike have your bikes repaired?
           Rewrite  the sentences  with the correct form of have
                                                                      No, we repaired  them ---..-   .
           someth i n g done.  Don'tchange  the tense.
           1  Jessica hasn't restyled her hair.                     Comptete  the sentences  with the correct form of the verbs
              Jessica  has had har hair rg*ttlad                    below and a reflexive  pronoun.
           2  Harry won't remove  his tattoo.                       1...  ,:'t   . I I  l..rir,:  .1,   .'1,.,   ',,,,',-l-.
                                                                    1 Geoff is going  to              Fren ch.
              They didn't paint their house last  year.
              They                                                  2                   to more cake.' 'No, thanks.'
                                                                    3  |        when I fett off my bike.
              Sam isn't repairing his car.
                  -                                                 4 Mum                   while  she was chopping
                                                                      the carrots.
              Dave isn't  going  to install  a new shower.          5 'What  did you say?' 'Nothing.  I was
              Dave         .                                           -                                    to
              Satty didn't  mal<e the dress.
                  -.                                                6 The cooker's very hot. Be careful not to
              Satty        .
              We're  not going  to build  a new garage.
                                                                       Th'rd conditional
                                                                 $,:r' $
        ffi   nenexive pronouns
                                                                 i  What would you have
                                                                                      l      I'd have  eaten lasagne  and
        We use reflective pronouns when the object of the verb is the  eaten last night if you'd
        same as the subiect.                                     I   had the choice?       :  garlic  bread in my favourite
                      '                                                                    i          H:*      v:yi
        He hurt himsali                                                                    i.  Iltllllill.   3!9:l
                                                                 The third conditional is formed  by rf + past perfect, would have
         I                 myself                                + past participle.
         you               yourself                              l{ I'ohn had arrivad  earlier,  hr wo*td hava ss&n the siari
                                                                 o{ tho ri\r
         he                himsetf
                                                                 We use the third conditionalto  speculate about the imaginary
         she               herself
                                                                 resutt  of things which didn't  happen.
         it                itsetf
                                                                 {i {'d dr;vsn fastor,  \,rr ilould  have arrivad  bsforp  sir.
         WE                ourselves
                                                                 We often use it to express  criticism  or regret.
         you              yourselves                             You wouid  have parsed ii
                                                                                    1ou   hadn'i brrn so iaz-,il
         they             themselves                             tf l'd bprn nare care.*s\,1  l.rouldr.'1  havr h,rrt mtrsl{.
                                                                 We can also put the  f  clause  after the clause describing the
        We use reftective pronouns to put emphasis on the performer
                                                                 imaginary resutt.
        of the action.
                                                                 t'd havr rnviiad   if I o known   lik,d  (anc)  drass parlies
        Thel paintrd t[re bsdroom  thamse\ver                                lour         )0u
                                                                 The short form of both had  and would is'd.
                                                                 lf l'd had r,orr monrJ. l'd heve paid for
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