Page 128 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 128
1 Choose the correct answers. 1 Complete the dialogue with so or such.
1 Determiners with singular countable nouns Jim Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight?
The teacher gave each / all boy an exam paper. lzzy What time does the fitm start?
'No / Any student should cheat in the exam,'she said. .lim Nine o'clock.
'Any i Att student caught cheating witl be punished.' lzzy That's 1- [ate! I need an earty night.
2 Determiners with plural nouns l'm exhausted.
Few i Littte peopte read poetry. We haven't got Jim Why are you '?- tired?
much / many poetry books at home, but each / most lzzy I went to Jack's party tast night. I was having
days I read any I a few poems. 3--- fun, I didn't want to leave!
3 Determiners with uncountable nouns Jim But I don't really want to go to the cinema on my
ldidn't get much / some sleep last night. I drank own. lt's 4- boring.
some / a few tea before bed, but any I no coffee. lzzy Why don't you ask Emity?
I took a sleeping pilt, but it was little / few help. lim I'm not sure she'd lil<e this fitm. She's got
t good taste.
2 Choose the correct answers. lzzy But you thought I'd til<e it.
1 Nearly baltet dancers retire in their thirties. Jim You tike anything!
a all b att of c every lzzy ,|im!You're' rude.
2 Are you Ol(? You didn't eat_your lunch.
a much b most c any of ,,$ Nominal subiect clauses
3 There are paintings in the exhibition,
only photos. We sometimes emphasise particutar information in a sentence
a none b no c any by putting itin a what clause fottowed by the appropriate form
4 The costumes are amazing. _ of them was of the verb be.
made by hand. wa arr \ooking icrrolunierro
a Each b Every c Att \dhat rds. aro loofing {or is voilrntsers
5 She threw her sandwich on the ground for the I rsall'l \iro acliorr {i!rrc.
birds to eat. tr.lhat I rrallv lii<e ir aetion iilms
a little b a tittle c a littte of 1 put
6 The guests must have enjoyed the party, because the words in the correct order to make sentences.
of them left before 2 a.m. 1 a / need / I / What/ is / laptop / new
a no b none c a little 2 saying / What / she's / is / missed / you / she
3 a lis / coffee / need I of lyou /What/ cup
!,,,. '; t, and such 4 a/they're lfor ldancer / is/What/ tookinglgood
5 spending/ doing/they're lyear lWhat/ is la labroad
We can use so or such lo intensify the meaning of an adjective
or adverb. 2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then rewrite
them starting with a What- clause.
l'm ro happl! 1 | want for Christmas.
so + adverb Ulhat I r^rani for Christrras rs .
l( 2 l'd like to have for dinner.
in0\ a[ ran t0 CU|.K\!
3 I enjoy in my free time.
s^t1clt + ad.iective + noun in pturat uncountable noun 4 I usuatty wear to school.
iho'o qot *r"ich baauli{ul elor I hair".
5 l'd tike to this summer
such + a f an +adjective + noun 6 l'm hoping to become a _ .
-- -.-
6hr'* got ar.irh an a\Iraclivo taco.