Page 127 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 127
1 Write third conditional sentences. Start with the words 1 Rewrite the sentences replacing the relative clauses with
in brackets. participle clauses.
1 The DVD player wasn't cheap. We didn't buy it. (lf ...) 1 A painting which betongs to the Queen has been stolen.
1{ tha DVD plalor had bran cheap, uro ,ilc,-r!d havo bought ;i 2 These beautifut costumes, which have been worn by
2 You coutdn't afford the CD. You spent all your money on famous opera singers, are for sale.
magazrnes. uI ...J 3 The star of the show is an actorwho is l<nown by most
3 We didn't buy the television. lt wasn't in the sale. (We ...) peopleasaWpresenter.
4 Andy tost his receipt. He didn't get a refund. (lf ...) 4 tt was difficutt ior peopte who were sitting at the bacl<
5 Maisy didn't save her pocl<et money. She borrowed of the theatre to hear all the words.
money from David. (Maisy ...) 5 I bought a copy ofthe novel that had been signed by
6 Phitip didn't have a tot of money. He didn't lend Liam the author.
f 10. (rf ...) 6 This piece, which was written by my piano teacher, is one
of my favourites.
2 Use the prompts to write third conditiona[ questions.
7 The fast train, which leaves in five minutes, witt get you to
1 What I you ldo / this morning / if / today / be / Sunday? London in less than an hour.
ulhal "o:,ld 1ou h:vc Corr fl,;s r-r o:r,ng ri :o.lar k,ad
bean iundal? :r5:*1 Determiners
2 What / you I eat / for breakfasl I if lyou / have / the
choice? Each and every ate followed by a singutar countabte noun.
3 Which country I you lvisit/ if I Vou lgo away/ tast Each is used when alt the peopte or things it refers to are seen
summer? individuatly. Everyis used to refer to alt the people or things.
4 What lyou lbuyl tastweekend lif lyou / have / lots dacVt ,.gg i* pain'lod in diiferorrt rclourr
or money( i,vr,rt *r1g can br purlhas*d {or trn ,uro$.
5 Which fitm / you I see I if / you I go I to the cinema / Few and a few are fotlowed by a plural noun. Few has a negative
tast night? meaning. A few has a neutral or positive meaning.
6 Who I you lvisit/ tastnight/ iflyou I have lthetime? Frw peoplo ramr to tha rcnrerl ll wx verl drsappoiiltiflg.
A {elu ciL}.i:r*c lrarrC brn,r,4 tl he.lD rne
3 Write answers to the questions in exercise 2.
Little and a little are followed by an uncountable noun.
1 l'd havz plaled corno1lte" $arnns Litttehas a negative meaning. A tittle has a neutral or
I*iest! positive meaning.
ffi Participle ctauses i'rcpla 0,, th;* hJuring rsiats hava litilo monal and no {uiura.
I havr a li"ltk monel - lrt's go out
We use participte clauses to give more information about a
noun. They can be described as shortened relative clauses Manyis fottowed by a countable noun. Much is fottowed by
(defining or non-defining). an uncountabte noun.
Therr'r a \'roman earrging a bahg. (=who is carrying a baby) Thrro arrn'i manl poopir hor+.
{ havpn'l gri much time to ,,rork
They contain either a present participle (-ing form)
or past participte. All, most, some, any, no can be followed by either a countable
. Participle clauses with a present participle (-ing form) or an uncountable noun.
replace an active verb. The verb they replace can be in Vrcll paoplr haro have no fres iime ar thz vreaKrnd.
any tense. tomr booKe arr mi*rin(, bLrt all ths LDe ar* hr.r,..
Ho workrd in a rhop *ol{ing *h*o* (: which setts shoes). We can use determiners with of before another determiner and
' Participle ctauses with a past participte replace a passive a noun.
verb. The verb they replace can be in any tense. A irw o{ 'r1 frircd; camr.. \a the part1. (noun in plural)
A vriuablr Slrfup+1e, made of goio{ w li br rn\c inr,0rrr^br. Ali cl thr *,;\x har rao-i'd"lrlK (uncountable noun)
(: which was made of gotd).
When we use no and everywith of, they change lo none,
and every one. We use a plural noun with every one.
Lve^r,0f& '.{ Lh0 *+1,/.pr,rr pa:.ted lhr elarit