Page 125 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 125
We use pronouns with no- with affirmative verbs when the if is also used to avoid beginning a sentence with an infinitive
meaning is negative. or gerund (verb + -ing) or participte clause which would sound
Nobodl lixas loaing unnatural or very formal.
i1'r grtat be'rrq Frrc (: Being here is great.)
We use pronouns wilh every- in affirmative sentences and
questions. They are followed by a verb in the third person h'; haic i0 <a r rr acill r^,i a+ i maan (: To say exactty what I
singutar. mean is hard.)
t raribodl ,lari6 to be .uccrsriui f i'e a shamr thai rho had io go honr ear-i1 (: That she had to go
1* avrllhing rradr? home early is a shame.)
ll Jcr;,:'f nartar r,rh.'rr 1cu !o (= Where you go doesn't matter.)
1 Choose the correct words.
1 tvtatch the sentences halves.
1 Why are you angry? I haven't done anything / nothing
wrong. 1 Is it far ...
2 Therels anybody / somebody on the roofl 2 lt took nearty an hour ...
3 lt's so simpte, anyone / someone coutd do it. 3 lt has just started ...
4 Anyone / No one knows if aliens really exist. 4 lt's a shame ...
5 Shatt we start the meeting? Everyone / Anyone is here. 5 Do you think it lool<s odd ...
6 'What's the matter?' 'Anything / Nothing. l'm fine.' 6 lt seems impossible ...
7 Have you seen. my phone? I've looked everywhere / a to rain.
,,".'.',." b to wear boots with shorts?
c to the nearest petroI station?
2 Use some-, any-, every-,and no- to comptete the sentences
d to l<eep up with att the tatest technology.
in each group.
e to go home when you're having such fun.
7 -thing f to drive five l<ilometresl
a Before you wash your trousers, checl< that there's
in the pocl<ets. 2 Rewrite the sentences to make them sound more natural
b They lost when their house burned down. using introductory if.
c I didn't buy for lunch. 1 To do the houseworktook me overtwo hours.
d My aunt has given me -_-- to wear. lt's beautifut. It laok mo cvpriwo hlur: .ic dr lhr hauca'dcrr
2 -where 2 What you wear for the party doesn't matter.
a Let's go more private. 3 To bring an umbrelta was a good idea.
b There's sit on this train. lt's reatly futtl 4 To reptace this watch is impossible.
c We never go hot for our hotidays. 5 That she passed her exams is great news.
d I hate going into town on Saturday is so 6 To drive in this weather isn't sensible.
crowded. -to 7 To watk to school takes ten minutes.
3 -body - 8 To swim in that river is dangerous.
a Does remember the way home?
b I think the shop is closed. There's inside. have something done
c I couldn't tift my bags onto the train on my own - i' '' ,
had to hetp me. We use the structure have + something + past participle to say
d Don't worry makes mistakes sometimes. that you arranged for somebody to do something for you. (You
didn't do it yourself.)
i..:,,,: I lntroductory if I had nt car r-,tZt,tC ia5r ,,re,0r.
iLo*.'*,{ You nogd la have your r00rn rodocaralr,d.
We often use it at the beginning of sentences when we refer to
We can also use this structure to talk about unpteasant events
time, weather, temperature, and distance.
which have happened to us (which we didn't arrange).
It's tavan o"clo*i. t had m1 mobib phonr *tolen p*tarda1"
It's [.rda\
ll tcoK tw* dalr 1o traval lroir Lcrdor; io Auriraiia.
1t'* *Lrnn1 zn,l i1'* tl 'L.
li's tco ktr frnm here.