Page 121 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 121

              Sp.culating about the past                        The word order and verb forms in indirect  questions  are the
        il.--.-j                                                same  as in a positive  statement.
        When we specutate about the past we use expressions [ike:  r)o  1n,;  kr,n',t if there jacKot*  ara ifi the sate?
        must  have, could have, can't have.
                                                                1  Rewrite  the direct  questions  as indirect questions  usingthe
        Must have is used when we are certain that something
        happened in the  past.                                     words in bracl<ets.
        Tna onil piace  I havtr 1 \cokid ,rr m1  <e1r ir thr ca;.  1 must  1 How much  is a single room?  (Coutd  you ptease  let me
        havs \rrl thtn ilrr:e                                        Know ... r)
                                                                     tlculd   ploa*o lot nre knor,^r  hc,r rlLrch a eingle  roorn i*?
        Can't have is used when we are certain that something did not     1nu
        happen in the past. This expression has the opposite  meaning  2 How many staff work here? (l'd  be lnterested  ln
        lo must have.
                                                                   3 ls there Wi-Fi In the rooms?  (l'd like to know ...)
        l'vt thr,tYed \hr. ar  --  undor tho raais and overything, You'tr
                                                                   4 Where's  the hotel swimming  pool?
        have loft  lnLrr  kals ihrre
                                                                     (l'd appreciate it if you could  tett me ...)
        Might  have  or could  have are used when  we aren't  sure whether
                                                                   5 When did my cotleague  teave?  (l'd be interested  in
        an event in the past happened or not.
        ?ernapa r'r:er',: ai homr. I could i rnight have lrfl  "ir1  Ke.,. ai  home
                                                                   5 Why did you take my passport?  (Coutd  you tettme  ...?)
        The phrases  discussed above  are formed [ike this: modal  verb  7 ls there another hoteI near here?  (l'd  be grateful if you
        (must, can't, might, could)  + have + past participle.       coutd tett me ...)
        1  Comptete  the sentences  with masf, might or can't.     ,
           1 They         have gone home without  telling us.   ir  I Verbs with two objects
           ,   1've got their train ticketsl                    Some verbs  can be followed  by both an indirect  oblect
           2 l'm not sure where  Satty is. She   have gone      (usually  a person) as we[1 as a direct obf ect
             into town.                                         (usuatty  a thing).
           3 You          have seen the new Matt Damon film.                   Iindirect oblect]  [direct  object]
             f, nu* , n.* retlased  yerl  -                     ?vitr gavt,   Pa*otropo        his rels
           4 There's  no bread. Somebody      have eaten  it.   lf we want the direct object to come first, we must pulto or  for
           5 I sent Keith a text, but he   not have received  it.  before  the indirect  obiect.
             He doesn't  always  carry his phone with him.                     ldirect objectl   Iindirect  object]
           6 Susie         have been at school  today. The teacher  ?o\,,r eavr.                1A Yefietove.
             phoned and asl<ed where she was.                        JI        hio xa're
                                                                               [direct object]   [indirect  obiect]
        2  Rewrite  the sentences using must have, might have or  Pelrr rookro  dinner          lor ?oneiopo
           con't hove.
                                                                 ln English we avoid having  a pronoun as a direct obiect at the
           1 l'm sure Miltie  gave out the invitations.          end of the sentence.
             Miilia mr,rt.l  havr q;vrn cu1  1r,e invitalicr:s
                                                                ?o\rr  gavr thom  1o ialh.
           2 Perhaps  Elizabeth  went to the doctor's.
                                                                 (  N 0T -  PetersaveS-athrtheffi)
           3 l'm sure Amelie didn't forget about the  party.
           4 Perhaps Tyler went on holiday.                      1  Rewrite  the sentences  with the indirect obiect as a
           5 I'm sure Archie missed  the train.                    pronoun.  Do not use to or  for.
           6 Perhaps Atex fettoff his bike.
                                                                   Mia's boyfriend  made dinner for Mia last night.
                                                                   l"1ia'* bolfrirnd  made har dinnrr lat'i nigh'|.
        !,,,  ,,1  lndirect questions                               L Have you made  a sandwich for me?
                                                                    2 Tom's mum bought a new shirt forTom.
        We mal<e indirect questions with phrases  tike Can you tell me ...?
                                                                    3 Daisy owes f50 to her dad.
        Do you know ...7 We use them to ask politety for information.
                                                                    4 Beth's neighbour sotd his car to Beth.
        i,xtu*o rno. So  "{$il  N$ovr  r^rha1   'timr  ,t is2
                                                                    5 Patrick wrote a letter to his sister.
        To make ayes /  no question  into an indirect question, we use rf.
                                                                    6 Scott sent a text message to Jutie.
        riould   irll nre if the bua has lrlt
             1ou                     1ei?                           7 Dad bool<ed  a flight to Paris for us.
        To change a question  with the  question  word lvh- to an indirect  8 She showed her prize to her parents.
        question we use the question word and change the form ofthe  9 My uncte bought a new bil<e for me.
        oflgrnal question  into a statement.                       10 The hoteI manager offered the best room to us.
        trlould  ror  r mrnd iai\ing mr v,rhare   rhD  5+z+  ^,. 's,  p\ceti7
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