Page 118 - Full Solutions 2nd Intermediate Student Book_Neat
P. 118
ln negative sentences we use may not and might nof, we do not lf we ==- robots to do a lot of menial jobs,
use could not. everybody more time for hobbies and
imiunt r,0t jC i\,Jrrr,nrnA ntxt hC{]L retaxation.
We use wil/ to predict. lf we are not sure about our predictions lf we carbon emissions, the world's climate
we use t think ... or probobty.
i think it urill ba nir+ tofiorrour. 6 lf scientists cures for all major diseases,
peopte much longer.
Predicting: fi rst conditional -
1.'j future perfect and future continuous
We use the first conditionaI to predict the resutt of a -
future action.
'lhs We use the future perfect for an action which witt be finished
lf globai harnrrflc ,3ril r,ru*h rr.roraa, t\is,a1e will change
before a stated future time.
We use the present simple to describe the action and will +
base form to describe the result. NOW hotel built 2025
91L0L1, wa will havy built a hoipl oir thr moon.
lf scientists cure disease, people witl tive very long lives. We use the future continuous foran action which will be in
(present simpte) (m11+ base form) progress at a stated future time.
The conditional f clause can come before or after the main iN,O\lV 2030 tiving on moon
(result) ctause.
l4an1 pe.opia will hava nowhrro to iiv* if the *r,a tevals rica. \* L\Vc, '$rs !,ri11 br. living nn 1ha mocn.
The modat verbs may, might and could can be used instead of We form the future perfect like this: will + have + past participte
will or won't in the result clause. 9i fridal afirrncon, we wttt havo finieha.d ali ths erams :
1iJ; nral$rirn.a vzrl hol *urnfirrs in i,urols if wr don't do
(There is a Iist of irregular past simpte forms and past participle
anlthrnE abeLit globa! \,iarmin.j
forms in the Workbook.)
L Write sentences using prompts and the expressions below. We form the future continuous like this: witt + be + the -ing form
Choose the right expression depending on the probability. Thit limr nert month, I wilt be sittin$ lrt a beaLh
could. mav/ 1 Comptete the sentences with the future perfect form of the
witt '+ Yitl , + ,ir"'+ ,'i*rit *o'ollP,''**on',
ProDaDtY ,iiiit n[t wc verbs in brackets.
700% 90% 70Y" 40% 70Y" aYo 1 My exams are in March.
By April I wiil have finithrd my exams. (finish)
7 it / snow / tomorrow (10% chance)
2 We're having dinner between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. By
ll pr6$3ily $oa't sr,o,,( tonf r'o.r 10 p.m., we (have) dinner.
2 I / pass / my exam (90% chance)
3 They're going away for a month on L March. By Z Aprit,
3 we / go on holiday / this summer (40o/o chance) they -- ----- (come) home.
4 Cathy / say yes (0% chance) 4 l'm only staying in this house until the summer. By
5 my dad I buy me / a new bike (10% chance) autumn, I .==- (move).
5 you / enjoy / this DVD (100% chance)
5 My dad is only ptanning to work to the age of 60. By the
7 some friends I come round later (20% chance) age of 63, he (retire).
6 These flowers won't [ast more than a few days. By next
2 Comptete the first conditional sentences with the correct week, they (die).
form of the verbs below.
2 ttrint< about your own tife one year from now. What will you
have done? Tick (.4 or cross (X) the things in the list. Then
write sentences.
ff tne worfO's poputution in.r*uru our cities witl . finish this book tr
more crowded. . have a birthday n
lf a huge meteorite the Earth it . do some exams tr . leave school tr
everyth i ng. -- . buy a ftat u start university u
lf petrol very expensive, people o get a iob tl . earn a lot of money n
their cars [ess. A lrar {rom nov':, I rorill / won't havs {in;*h".d ihir book